Projection classification


Many map projections have been developed, each with its own specific qualities. It is these qualities that make the resulting maps useful for certain purposes. By definition, any map projection is associated with scale distortions. There is simply no way to flatten an ellipsoidal or spherical surface without stretching some parts of the surface more than others. The amount and kind of distortions a map has depends on the type of map projection.

Classification can be based on:

  1. class (cylindrical, conical or azimuthal)

  2. point of secancy (tangent or secant)

  3. aspect (normal, transverse or oblique)

  4. distortion property (equivalent, equidistant or conformal)


A particular map projection can be classified including various parts of its characteristics. An example would be the classification “conformal conic projection with two standard parallels”, which means that the projection is a conformal map projection, that the intermediate surface is a cone, and that the cone intersects the ellipsoid (or sphere) along two parallels. In other words, the cone is secant and the cone’s symmetry axis is parallel to the rotation axis. This projection is also referred to as “Lambert’s conical projection” (1).

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