Skill list

Number Name Actions
1 Describe emerging geographical analysis techniques in geocomputation derived from artificial intelligence e.g., expert systems, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, and software agents View
2 Describe difficulties in dealing with large spatial databases, especially those arising from spatial heterogeneity View
3 Explain what is meant by the term contaminated data, suggesting how it can arise View
4 Explain how to recognize contaminated data in large datasets View
5 Outline the implications of complexity for the application of statistical ideas in geography View
6 Describe how data mining can be used for geospatial intelligence View
7 Differentiate between data mining approaches used for spatial and non-spatial applications View
8 Compare and contrast the primary types of data mining: summarization/characterization, clustering/categorization, feature extraction, and rule/relationships extraction View
9 Explain how spatial statistics techniques are used in spatial data mining View
10 Explain how the analytical reasoning techniques, visual representations, and interaction techniques that make up the domain of visual analytics have a strong spatial component View
11 Demonstrate how cluster analysis can be used as a data mining tool View
12 Interpret patterns in space and time using Dorling and Openshaws Geographical Analysis Machine GAM demonstration of disease incidence diffusion View
13 Explain how spatial data mining techniques can be used for knowledge discovery View
14 Explain how visual data exploration can be combined with data mining techniques as a means of discovering research hypotheses in large spatial datasets View
15 Explain how a Bayesian framework can incorporate expert knowledge in order to retrieve all relevant datasets given an initial user query View
16 Differentiate among machine learning, data mining and pattern recognition View
17 Explain the outcome of an artificial intelligence analysis e.g., edge recognition, including a discussion of what the human did not see that the computer identified and vice versa View
18 Explain the principles of pattern recognition View
19 Apply a simple spatial mean filter to an image as a means of recognizing patterns View
20 Construct an edge-recognition filter View
21 Design a simple spatial mean filter View
22 Define the following terms pertaining to a network: Loops, multiple edges, the degree of a vertex, walk, trail, path, cycle, fundamental cycle View
23 Define different interpretations of cost in various routing applications View
24 Describe networks that apply to specific applications or industries View
25 Create a data set with network attributes and topology View
26 Demonstrate how networks can be measured using the number of elements in a network, the distances along network edges, and the level of connectivity of the network View
27 Explain the concept of the diameter of a network View
28 Compute the estimated number of fundamental cycles in a graph View
29 Compute the alpha, beta, and gamma indices of network connectivity View
30 Compute the Detour Index and the measure of network density for a given network View
31 Describe some variants of Dijkstras algorithm that are even more efficient View
32 Explain how a leading World Wide Web-based routing system works e.g., MapQuest, Yahoo Maps, Google View
33 Discuss the difference of implementing Dijkstras algorithm in raster and vector modes View
34 Demonstrate how K-shortest path algorithms can be implemented to find many efficient alternate paths across the network View
35 Compute the optimum path between two points through a network with Dijkstras algorithm View
36 Describe practical situations in which flow is conserved while splitting or joining at nodes of the network View
37 xplain how the concept of capacity represents an upper limit on the amount of flow through the network View
38 Demonstrate how capacity is assigned to edges in a network using the appropriate data structure View
39 Apply a maximum flow algorithm to calculate the largest flow from a source to a sink, using the edges of the network, subject to capacity constraints on the arcs and the conservation of flow View
40 Explain why, if supply equals demand, there will always be a feasible solution to the Classic Transportation Problem View
41 Exemplify the Classic Transportation Problem View
42 Demonstrate how the Classic Transportation Problem can be structured as a linear program View
43 Implement the Transportation Simplex method to determine the optimal solution View
44 List several classic problems to which network analysis is applied e.g., The Traveling Salesman Problem, The Chinese Postman Problem View
45 Explain why heuristic solutions are generally used to address the combinatorially complex nature of these problems and the difficulty of solving them optimally View
46 List ways we can define accessibility on a network View
47 Describe methods for measuring different kinds of accessibility on a network View
48 Contrast accessibility modeling at the individual level versus at an aggregated level View
49 Compare current accessibility models with early models of market potential View
50 Explain how optimization models can be used to generate models of alternate options for presentation to decision makers View
51 Explain the concept of solution space View
52 Explain the principles of operations research modeling and location modeling View
53 Explain, using the concept of combinatorial complexity, why some location problems are very hard to solve View
54 Compare and contrast the concepts of discrete location problems and continuous location problems View
55 Describe the structure of linear programs View
56 Explain the role of objective functions in linear programming View
57 Explain the role of constraint functions using the graphical method View
58 Explain the role of constraint functions using the simplex method View
59 Implement linear programs for spatial allocation problems View
60 Differentiate between a linear program and an integer program View
61 Explain why integer programs are harder to solve than linear programs View
62 Describe the structure of origin-destination matrices View
63 Explain the concepts of demand and service View
64 Explain Webers locational triangle View
65 Assess the outcome of location-allocation models using other spatial analysis techniques View
66 Compare and contrast covering, dispersion, and p-median models View
67 Locate, using location-allocation software, service facilities that meet given sets of constraints View
68 Compare and contrast the impacts of different conversion approaches, including the effect on spatial components View
69 Prioritize a set of algorithms designed to perform transformations based on the need to maintain data integrity [e.g., converting a digital elevation model (DEM) into a TIN] View
70 Create a flowchart showing the sequence of transformations on a data set (e.g., geometric and radiometric correction and mosaicking of remotely sensed data) View
71 Identify the conceptual and practical difficulties associated with data model and format conversion View
72 Describe a workflow for converting a implementing a data model in a GIS involving an Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagram and the Universal Modeling Language (UML) View
73 Discuss the role of metadata in facilitating conversation of data models and data structures between systems View
75 Differentiate among common interpolation techniques (e.g., nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic) View
76 Explain how the elevation values in a digital elevation model (DEM) are derived by interpolation from irregular arrays of spot elevations View
77 Discuss the pitfalls of using secondary data that has been generated using interpolations (e.g., Level 1 USGS DEMs) View
78 Estimate a value between two known values using linear interpolation (e.g., spot elevations, population between census years) View
79 Explain how the vector/raster/vector conversion process of graphic images and algorithms takes place and how the results are achieved View
80 Convert vector data to raster format and back using GIS software View
81 Illustrate the impact of vector/raster/vector conversions on the quality of a dataset View
82 Create estimated tessellated data sets from point samples or isolines using interpolation operations that are appropriate to the specific situation View
83 Discuss the consequences of increasing and decreasing resolution View
84 Evaluate methods used by contemporary GIS software to resample raster data on-the-fly during display View
85 Select appropriate interpolation techniques to resample particular types of values in raster data (e.g., nominal using nearest neighbor) View
86 Resample multiple raster data sets to a single resolution to enable overlay View
87 Resample raster data sets (e.g., terrain, satellite imagery) to a resolution appropriate for a map of a particular scale View
88 Cite appropriate applications of several coordinate transformation techniques (e.g., affine, similarity, Molodenski, Helmert) View
89 Differentiate between polynomial coordinate transformations (including linear) and rubbersheeting View
90 Describe the impact of map projection transformation on raster and vector data View
91 Compare and contrast spatial statistical analysis, spatial data analysis, and spatial modeling View
92 Compare and contrast spatial statistics and map algebra as two very different kinds of data analysis View
93 Compare and contrast the methods of analyzing aggregate data as opposed to methods of analyzing a set of individual observations View
94 Define the terms spatial analysis, spatial modeling, geostatistics, spatial econometrics, spatial statistics, qualitative analysis, map algebra, and network analysis View
95 Differentiate between geostatistics, and spatial statistics View
96 Discuss situations when it is desirable to adopt a spatial approach to the analysis of data View
97 Explain what is added to spatial analysis to make it spatio-temporal analysis View
98 Explain what is special i.e., difficult about geospatial data analysis and why some traditional statistical analysis techniques are not suited to geographic problems View
99 Outline the sequence of tasks required to complete the analytical process for a given spatial problem View
100 Describe set theory View
101 Explain how set theory relates to spatial queries View
102 Explain how logic theory relates to set theory View
103 Perform a logic set theoretic query using GIS software View
104 Define basic terms of query processing e.g., SQL, primary and foreign keys, table join View
105 Explain the basic logic of SQL syntax View
106 Demonstrate the basic syntactic structure of SQL View
107 Create an SQL query to retrieve elements from a GIS View
108 Demonstrate the syntactic structure of spatial and temporal operators in SQL View
109 Compare and contrast attribute query and spatial query View
110 State questions that can be solved by selecting features based on location or spatial relationships View
111 Construct a query statement to search for a specific spatial or temporal relationship View
112 Construct a spatial query to extract all point objects that fall within a polygon View
113 Describe several different measures of distance between two points e.g., Euclidean, Manhattan, network distance, spherical View
114 Explain how different measures of distance can be used to calculate the spatial weights matrix View
115 Explain why estimating the fractal dimension of a sinuous line has important implications for the measurement of its length View
116 Explain how fractal dimension can be used in practical applications of GIS View
117 Explain the differences in the calculated distance between the same two places when data used are in different projections View
118 Outline the implications of differences in distance calculations on real world applications of GIS, such as routing and determining boundary lengths and service areas View
119 Estimate the fractal dimension of a sinuous line View
120 Define direction and its measurement in different angular measures View
121 Compare and contrast how direction is determined and stated in raster and vector data View
122 Describe operations that can be performed on qualitative representations of direction View
123 Explain any differences in the measured direction between two places when the data are presented in a GIS in different projections View
124 Compute the mean of directional data View
125 Identify situations in which shape affects geometric operations View
126 Explain what is meant by the convex hull and minimum enclosing rectangle of a set of point data View
127 Explain why the shape of an object might be important in analysis View
128 Exemplify situations in which the centroid of a polygon falls outside its boundary View
129 Compare and contrast different shape indices, include examples of applications to which each could be applied View
130 Develop a method for describing the shape of a cluster of similarly valued points by using the concept of the convex hull View
131 Develop an algorithm to determine the skeleton of polygons View
132 Find centroids of polygons under different definitions of a centroid and different polygon shapes View
133 Calculate several different shape indices for a polygon dataset View
134 List reasons why the area of a polygon calculated in a GIS might not be the same as the real world object it describes View
135 Explain how variations in the calculation of area may have real world implications, such as calculating density View
136 Demonstrate how the area of a region calculated from a raster data set will vary by resolution and orientation View
137 Outline an algorithm to find the area of a polygon using the coordinates of its vertices View
138 Describe real world applications where distance decay is an appropriate representation of the strength of spatial relationships (e.g., shopping behavior, property values) View
139 Describe real world applications where distance decay would not be an appropriate representation of the strength of spatial relationships (e.g., distance education, commuting, telecommunications) View
140 Explain the rationale for using different forms of distance decay functions View
141 Explain how a semi-variogram describes the distance decay in dependence between data values View
142 Outline the geometry implicit in classical gravity models of distance decay View
143 Plot typical forms for distance decay functions View
144 Write typical forms for distance decay functions View
145 Write a program to create a matrix of pair-wise distances among a set of points View
146 List different ways connectivity can be determined in a raster and in a polygon dataset View
147 Describe real world applications where adjacency and connectivity are a critical component of analysis View
148 Explain the nine-intersection model for spatial relationships View
149 Demonstrate how adjacency and connectivity can be recorded in matrices View
150 Calculate various measures of adjacency in a polygon dataset View
151 Create a matrix describing the pattern of adjacency in a set of planar enforced polygons View
152 Describe how map algebra performs mathematical functions on raster grids View
153 Describe a real modeling situation in which map algebra would be used e.g., site selection, climate classification, least-cost path View
154 Explain the categories of map algebra operations i.e., local, focal, zonal, and global functions View
155 Explain why georegistration is a precondition to map algebra View
156 Differentiate between map algebra and matrix algebra using real examples View
157 Perform a map algebra calculation using command line, form-based, and flow charting user interfaces View
158 Compute measures of overall dispersion and clustering of point datasets using nearest neighbor distance statistics View
159 List the conditions that make point pattern analysis a suitable process View
160 Identify the various ways point patterns may be described View
161 Identify various types of K-function analysis View
162 Describe how Independent Random Process/Chi-Squared Result IRP/CSR may be used to make statistical statements about point patterns View
163 Outline measures of pattern based on first and second order properties such as the mean centre and standard distance, quadrat counts, nearest neighbor distance and the more modern G, F and K functions View
164 Outline the basis of classic critiques of spatial statistical analysis in the context of point pattern analysis View
165 Explain how distance-based methods of point pattern measurement can be derived from a distance matrix View
166 Explain how proximity polygons e.g., Thiessen polygons may be used to describe point patterns View
167 Explain how the K function provides a scale-dependent measure of dispersion View
168 Describe the relationships between kernels and classical spatial interaction approaches, such as surfaces of potential View
169 Differentiate between kernel density estimation and spatial interpolation View
170 Outline the likely effects on analysis results of variations in the kernel function used and the bandwidth adopted View
171 Explain why and how density estimation transforms point data into a field representation View
172 Explain why, in some cases, an adaptive bandwidth might be employed View
173 Create density maps from point datasets using kernels and density estimation techniques using standard software View
174 Identify several cluster detection techniques and discuss their limitations View
175 Discuss the characteristics of the various cluster detection techniques View
176 Demonstrate the extension of spatial clustering to deal with clustering in space-time using the Know and Mantel tests View
177 Perform a cluster detection analysis to detect hot spots in a point pattern View
178 State the classic formalization of the interaction model View
179 Differentiate between the gravity model and spatial interaction models View
180 Describe the formulation of the classic gravity model, the unconstrained spatial interaction model, the production constrained spatial interaction model, the attraction constrained spatial interaction model, and the doubly constrained spatial... View
181 Explain how dynamic, chaotic, complex or unpredictable aspects in some phenomena make spatial interaction models more appropriate than gravity models View
182 Explain the concept of competing destinations, describing how traditional spatial interaction model forms are modified to account for it View
183 Create a matrix that shows spatial interaction View
184 Relate plots of multidimensional attribute data to geography by equating similarity in data space with proximity in geographical space View
185 Assemble a data matrix of attributes View
186 Produce plots in several data dimensions using a data matrix of attributes View
187 Conduct a simple hierarchical cluster analysis to classify area objects into statistically similar regions View
188 Perform multidimensional scaling (MDS) and principal components analysis (PCA) to reduce the number of coordinates, or dimensionality, of a problem View
189 Describe the difference between prescriptive and descriptive cartographic models View
190 Discuss the origins of cartographic modeling with reference to the work of Ian McHarg View
191 Develop a flowchart of a cartographic model for a site suitability problem View
192 Describe the implementation of an ordered weighting scheme in a multiple-criteria aggregation View
193 Compare and contrast the terms multi-criteria evaluation, weighted linear combination, and site suitability analysis View
194 Differentiate between contributing factors and constraints in a multi-criteria application View
195 Explain the legacy of multi-criteria evaluation in relation to cartographic modeling View
196 Determine which method to use to combine criteria e.g., linear, multiplication View
197 Create initial weights using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) View
198 Calibrate a linear combination model by adjusting weights using a test data set View
199 Discuss the relationship between spatial processes and spatial patterns View
200 Differentiate between deterministic and stochastic spatial process models View
201 Describe a simple process model that would generate a given set of spatial patterns View
202 List the likely sources of error in slope and aspect maps derived from DEMs and state the circumstances under which these can be very severe View
203 Outline a number of different methods for calculating slope from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) View
204 Outline how higher order derivatives of height can be interpreted View
205 Explain how slope and aspect can be represented as the vector field given by the first derivative of height View
206 Explain why the properties of spatial continuity are characteristic of spatial surfaces View
207 Explain why zero slopes are indicative of surface specific points such as peaks, pits and passes and list the conditions necessary for each View
208 Design an algorithm that calculates slope and aspect from a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) model View
209 Identify the spatial concepts that are assumed in different interpolation algorithms View
210 Describe how surfaces can be interpolated using splines View
211 Compare and contrast interpolation by inverse distance weighting, bi-cubic spline fitting and kriging View
212 Differentiate between trend surface analysis and deterministic spatial interpolation View
213 Explain why different interpolation algorithms produce different results and suggest ways by which these can be evaluated in the context of a specific problem View
214 Design an algorithm which interpolates irregular point elevation data onto a regular grid View
215 Outline algorithms to produce repeatable contour-type lines from point datasets using proximity polygons, spatial averages, or inverse distance weighting View
216 Implement a trend surface analysis using either the supplied function in a GIS or a regression function from any standard statistical package View
217 Describe how a network of stream channels and ridges can be estimated from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) View
218 Explain how ridgelines and streamlines can be used to improve the result of an interpolation process View
219 Define intervisibility View
220 Explain the sources and impact of errors that affect intervisibility analyses View
221 Outline an algorithm to determine the viewshed area visible from specific locations on surfaces specified by digital elevation models (DEM) View
222 Perform siting analyses using specified visibility, slope, and other surface related constraints View
223 Define friction surface View
224 Explain how friction surfaces are enhanced by the use of impedance and barriers View
225 Apply the principles of friction surfaces in the calculation of least-cost paths View
226 Describe the statistical characteristics of a set of spatial data using a variety of graphs and plots including scatterplots, histograms, boxplots, qq plots View
227 Select the appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of given spatial datasets by first exploring them using graphic methods View
228 List the two basic assumptions of the purely random process View
229 Justify the stochastic process approach to spatial statistical analysis View
230 Exemplify deterministic and spatial stochastic processes View
231 Exemplify non-stationarity involving first and second order effects View
232 Differentiate between isotropic and anisotropic processes View
233 Discuss the theory leading to the assumption of intrinsic stationarity View
234 Outline the logic behind the derivation of long run expected outcomes of the independent random process using quadrat counts View
235 Explain how different types of spatial weights matrices are defined and calculated View
236 Explain the rationale used for each type of spatial weights matrix View
237 Discuss the appropriateness of different types of spatial weights matrices for various problems View
238 Construct a spatial weights matrix for lattice, point, and area patterns View
239 Describe the effect of the assumption of stationarity on global measures of spatial association View
240 Explain how a statistic that is based on combining all the spatial data and returning a single summary value or two can be useful in understanding broad spatial trends View
241 Explain how the K function provides a scale-dependent measure of dispersion View
242 Compute Morans I and Gearys c for patterns of attribute data measured on interval ratio scales View
243 Compute measures of overall dispersion and clustering of point datasets using nearest neighbor distance statistics View
244 Compute the K function View
245 Justify, compute, and test the significance of the join count statistic for a pattern of objects View
246 Describe the effect of non-stationarity on local indices of spatial association View
247 Compare and contrast global and local statistics and their uses View
248 Explain how a weights matrix can be used to convert any classical statistic into a local measure of spatial association View
249 Explain how geographically weighted regression provides a local measure of spatial association View
250 Decompose Morans I and Gearys c into local measures of spatial association View
251 Compute the Gi and Gi* statistics View
252 Explain how outliers affect the results of analyses View
253 Explain how the following techniques can be used to examine outliers: tabulation, histograms, box plots, correlation analysis, scatter plots, local statistics View
254 Define prior and posterior distributions and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo View
255 Explain how the Bayesian perspective is a unified framework from which to view uncertainty View
256 Compare and contrast Bayesian methods and classical frequentist statistical methods View
257 List and describe several spatial sampling schemes and evaluate each one for specific applications View
258 Describe sampling schemes for accurately estimating the mean of a spatial data set View
259 Differentiate between model-based and design-based sampling schemes View
260 Design a sampling scheme that will help detect when space-time clusters of events occur View
261 Create spatial samples under a variety of requirements, such as coverage, randomness, transects View
262 Identify and define the parameters of a semi-variogram range, sill, nugget View
263 Describe the relationships between semi-variograms and correlograms, and Morans indices of spatial association View
264 Demonstrate how semi-variograms react to spatial nonstationarity View
265 Construct a semi-variogram and illustrate with a semi-variogram cloud View
266 List the possible sources of error in a selected and fitted model of an experimental semi-variogram View
267 Describe some commonly used semi-variogram models View
268 Describe the conditions under which each of the commonly used semi-variograms models would be most appropriate View
269 Explain the necessity of defining a semi-variogram model for geographic data View
270 Apply the method of weighted least squares and maximum likelihood to fit semi-variogram models to datasets View
271 Describe the relationship between the semi-variogram and kriging View
272 Explain why kriging is more suitable as an interpolation method in some applications than others View
273 Explain why it is important to have a good model of the semi-variogram in kriging View
274 Explain the concept of the kriging variance, and describe some of its shortcomings View
275 Explain how block-kriging and its variants can be used to combine data sets with different spatial resolution support View
276 Compare block-kriging with areal interpolation using proportional area weighting and dasymetric mapping View
277 Outline the basic kriging equations in their matrix formulation View
278 Conduct a spatial interpolation process using kriging from data description to final error map View
279 Compare and contrast co-kriging log-normal kriging, disjunctive kriging, indicator kriging, factorial kriging and universal kriging View
280 Apply universal kriging to appropriate data sets View
281 Interpret the results of universal kriging View
282 Describe the general types of spatial econometric model View
283 Explain how spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity violate the Gauss-Markov assumptions of regression used in traditional econometrics View
284 Demonstrate how spatially lagged, trend surface, or dummy spatial variables can be used to create the spatial component variables missing in a standard regression analysis View
285 Demonstrate how the spatial weights matrix is fundamental in spatial econometrics models View
286 Demonstrate why spatial autocorrelation among regression residuals can be an indication that spatial variables have been omitted from the models View
287 Explain Anselins typology of spatial autoregressive models View
288 Conduct a spatial econometric analysis to test for spatial dependence in the residuals from least-squares models and spatial autoregressive models View
289 Demonstrate how the parameters of spatial auto-regressive models can be estimated using univariate and bivariate optimization algorithms for maximizing the likelihood function View
290 Find a best model View
291 Implement a maximum likelihood estimation procedure for determining key spatial econometric parameters View
292 Apply spatial statistic software e.g., GEODA to create and estimate an autoregressive model View
293 Identify modeling situations where spatial filtering might not be appropriate View
294 Describe the relationship between factorial kriging and spatial filtering View
295 Explain how spatial correlation can result as a side effect of the spatial aggregation in a given dataset View
296 Explain how dissolving clusters of blocks with similar values may resolve the spatial correlation problem View
297 Explain how the Getis and Tiefelsdorf Griffith spatial filtering techniques incorporate spatial component variables into OLS regression analysis in order to remedy misspecification and the problem of spatially auto-correlated residuals View
298 Demonstrate how spatial autocorrelation can be removed by resampling View
299 Describe the characteristics of the spatial expansion method View
300 Discuss the appropriateness of GWR under various conditions View
301 Explain how allowing the parameters of the model to vary with the spatial location of the sample data can be used to accommodate spatial heterogeneity View
302 Explain the principles of geographically weighted regression View
303 Compare and contrast GWR with universal kriging using moving neighborhoods View
304 Perform an analysis using the geographically weighted regression technique View
305 Analyze the number of degrees of freedom in GWR analyses and discuss any possible difficulties with the method based on your results View
306 Define common theories on what is real, such as realism, idealism, relativism, and experiential realism View
307 Evaluate the influences of particular worldviews (including ones own) on GIS practices View
308 Identify the ontological assumptions underlying the work of colleagues View
309 Justify the metaphysical theories with which you agree View
310 Compare and contrast the ability of different theories to explain various situations View
311 Recognize the commonalities of philosophical viewpoints and appreciate differences to enable work with diverse colleagues View
312 Define common theories on what constitutes knowledge, including positivism, reflectance-correspondence, pragmatism, social constructivism, and memetics View
313 Explain the notions of model and representation in science View
314 Recognize the influences of epistemology on GIS practices View
315 Justify the epistemological frameworks with which you agree View
316 Compare and contrast the ability of various theories to explain different situations View
317 Identify the epistemological assumptions underlying the work of colleagues View
318 Bridge the differences in epistemological viewpoints to enable work with diverse colleagues View
319 Define common philosophical theories that have influenced geography and science, such as logical positivism, Marxism, phenomenology, feminism, and critical theory View
320 Defend or refute the statement, All data are theory-laden View
321 Describe a brief history of major philosophical movements relating to the nature of space, time, geographic phenomena and human interaction with it View
322 Compare and contrast the kinds of questions various philosophies ask, the methodologies they use, the answers they offer, and their applicability to different phenomena View
323 Evaluate the influences of ones own philosophical views and assumptions on GIS AND T practices View
324 Identify the philosophical views and assumptions underlying the work of colleagues View
325 Describe the differences between real phenomena, conceptual models, and GIS data representations thereof View
326 Compare and contrast the symbolic and connectionist theories of human cognition and memory and their ability to model various cases View
327 Compare and contrast theories of spatial knowledge acquisition (e.g., Marr on vision, Piaget on childhood, Golledge on wayfinding) View
328 Explain the role of metaphors and image schema in our understanding of geographic phenomena and geographic tasks View
329 Explore the contribution of linguistics to the study of spatial cognition and the role of natural language in the conceptualization of geographic phenomena View
330 Define the following terms: data, information, knowledge, and wisdom View
331 Transform a conceptual model of information for a particular task into a data model View
332 Describe the limitations of various information stores for representing geographic information, including the mind, computers, graphics, text, etc. View
333 Define the properties that make a phenomenon geographic View
334 Describe some insights that a spatial perspective can contribute to a given topic View
335 Justify or refute whether geography (as a discipline) should have a central role in GIS AND T View
336 Explore the history of geography including (but not limited to) Greek and Roman contributions to geography (Eratosthenes, Strabo, Ptolemy), geography and cartography in the age of discovery, military geography, and geography... View
337 Justify a chosen position on which disciplines should have as important a role in GIS AND T as geography View
338 Discuss the differing denotations and connotations of the terms spatial, geographic, and geospatial View
339 Explain how the concept of place is more than just location View
340 Define the notions of cultural landscape and physical landscape View
341 Select a place or landscape with personal meaning and discuss its importance View
342 Evaluate the differences in how various parties think or feel differently about a place being modeled View
343 Describe the elements of a sense of place or landscape that are difficult or impossible to adequately represent in GIS View
344 Differentiate between space and place View
345 Differentiate among elements of the meaning of a place that can or cannot be easily represented using geospatial technologies View
346 Describe the ways in which the elements of culture (e.g., language, religion, education, traditions) may influence the understanding and use of geographic information View
347 Recognize the impact of ones social background on ones own geographic worldview and perceptions and how it influences ones use of GIS View
348 Collaborate effectively with colleagues of differing social backgrounds in developing balanced GIS applications View
349 Evaluate the influences of political ideologies (e.g., Marxism, Capitalism, conservative liberal) on the understanding of geographic information View
350 Evaluate the influences of political actions, especially the allocation of territory, on human perceptions of space and place View
351 Recognize the constraints that political forces place on geospatial applications in public and private sectors View
352 Identify common-sense views of geographic phenomena that sharply contrast with established theories and technologies of geographic information View
353 Evaluate the impact of geospatial technologies (e.g., Google Earth) that allow non-geospatial professionals to create, distribute, and map geographic information View
354 Effectively communicate the design, procedures, and results of GIS projects to non-GIS audiences (clients, managers, general public) View
355 Collaborate with non-GIS experts who use GIS to design applications that match common-sense understanding to an appropriate degree View
356 Differentiate applications that can make use of common-sense principles of geography from those that should not View
357 Define the four basic dimensions or shapes used to describe spatial objects (i.e., points, lines, regions, volumes) View
358 Differentiate between absolute and relative descriptions of location View
359 Differentiate between common-sense, Cartesian metric, relational, relativistic, phenomenological, social constructivist, and other theories of the nature of space View
360 Discuss the contributions that different perspectives on the nature of space bring to an understanding of geographic phenomenon View
361 Justify the discrepancies between the nature of locations in the real world and representations thereof (e.g., towns as points) View
362 Select appropriate spatial metaphors and models of phenomena to be represented in GIS View
363 Develop methods for representing non-cartesian models of space in GIS View
364 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of cartesian metric space as a basis for GIS and related technologies View
365 Differentiate between mathematical and phenomenological theories of the nature of time View
366 Exemplify different temporal frames of reference: linear and cyclical, absolute and relative View
367 Recognize the role that time plays in static GISystems View
368 Compare and contrast models of a given spatial process using continuous and discrete perspectives of time View
369 Select the temporal elements of geographic phenomena that need to be represented in particular GIS applications View
370 Discuss common prepositions and adjectives (in any particular language) that signify either spatial or temporal relations but are used for both kinds, such as after or longer View
371 Compare and contrast the characteristics of spatial and temporal dimensions View
372 Identify various types of geographic interactions in space and time View
373 Describe different types of movement and change View
374 Understand the physical notions of velocity and acceleration which are fundamentally about movement across space through time View
375 Define Stevens four levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) View
376 Recognize attribute domains that do not fit well into Stevens four levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio), such as cycles, indexes, and hierarchies View
377 Describe particular geographic phenomena in terms of attributes View
378 Characterize the domains of attributes in a GIS, including continuous and discrete, qualitative and quantitative, absolute and relative View
379 Determine the proper uses of attributes based on their domains View
380 Recognize situations and phenomena in the landscape which cannot be adequately represented by formal attributes, such as aesthetics View
381 Formalize attribute values and domains in terms of set theory View
382 Compare and contrast the theory that properties are fundamental (and objects are human simplifications of patterns thereof) with the theory that objects are fundamental (and properties are attributes thereof) View
383 Develop alternative forms of representations for situations in which attributes do not adequately capture meaning View
384 Justify or refute the conception of fields (e.g., temperature, density) as spatially-intensive attributes of (sometimes amorphous and anonymous) entities View
385 Model gray area phenomena, such as categorical coverages (a.k.a. discrete fields), in terms of objects View
386 Evaluate the influence of scale on the conceptualization of entities View
387 Discuss the human predilection to conceptualize geographic phenomena in terms of discrete entities View
388 Describe particular entities in terms of space, time, and properties View
389 Describe the perceptual processes (e.g., edge detection) that aid cognitive objectification View
390 Compare and contrast differing epistemological and metaphysical viewpoints on the reality of geographic entities View
391 Identify the types of features that need to be modeled in a particular GIS application or procedure View
392 Identify phenomena that are difficult or impossible to conceptualize in terms of entities View
393 Describe the difficulties in modeling entities with ill-defined edges View
394 Describe the difficulties inherent in extending the tabletop metaphor of objects to the geographic environment View
395 Evaluate the effectiveness of GIS data models for representing the identity, existence, and lifespan of entities View
396 Define a field in terms of properties, space, and time View
397 Identify applications and phenomena that are not adequately modeled by the field view View
398 Identify examples of discrete and continuous change found in spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal fields View
399 Differentiate various sources of fields, such as substance properties (e.g., temperature), artificial constructs (e.g., population density), and fields of potential or influence (e.g., gravity) View
400 Formalize the notion of field using mathematical functions and Calculus View
401 Relate the notion of field in GIS to the mathematical notions of scalar and vector fields View
402 Recognize the influences of scale on the perception and meaning of fields View
403 Evaluate the representation of movement as a field of location over time (e.g. :x,y,z: = f(t) ) View
404 Evaluate the field views description of objects as conceptual discretizations of continuous patterns View
405 Compare and contrast the concepts of continuants (entities) and occurrents (events) View
406 Compare and contrast the concepts of event and process View
407 Describe particular events or processes in terms of identity, categories, attributes, locations, etc. View
408 Evaluate the assertion that events and processes are the same thing, but viewed at different temporal scales View
409 Apply or develop formal systems for describing continuous spatio-temporal processes View
410 Describe the actor role that entities and fields play in events and processes View
411 Discuss the difficulty of integrating process models into GIS software based on the entity and field views, and methods used to do so View
412 Discuss the contributions of early attempts to integrate the concepts of space, time, and attribute in geographic information, such as Berry (1964) and Sinton (1978) View
413 Illustrate major integrated models of geographic information, such as Peuquets Triad, Mennis Pyramid, and Yuans Three-Domain View
414 Determine whether phenomena or applications exist that are not adequately represented in an existing comprehensive model View
415 Discuss the degree to which these models can be implemented using current technologies View
416 Design data models for specific applications based on these comprehensive general models View
417 Reconcile differing common-sense and official definitions of common geospatial categories of entities, attributes, space, and time View
418 Explain the human tendency to simplify the world using categories View
419 Identify specific examples of categories of entities (i.e., common nouns), properties (i.e., adjectives), space (i.e., regions), and time (i.e., eras) View
420 Explain the role of categories in common-sense conceptual models, everyday language, and analytical procedures View
421 Recognize and manage the potential problems associated with the use of categories (e.g., the ecological fallacy) View
422 Construct taxonomies and dictionaries (also known as formal ontologies) to communicate systems of categories View
423 Describe the contributions of category theory to understanding the internal structure of categories View
424 Document the personal, social, and or institutional meaning of categories used in GIS applications View
425 Create or use GIS data structures to represent categories, including attribute columns, layers themes, shapes, legends, etc. View
426 Use categorical information in analysis, cartography, and other GIS processes, avoiding common interpretation mistakes View
427 Describe ways in which a geographic entity can be created from one or more others View
428 Describe the genealogy (as identity-based change or temporal relationships) of particular geographic phenomena View
429 Determine whether it is important to represent the genealogy of entities for a particular application View
430 Discuss the effects of temporal scale on the modeling of genealogical structures View
431 Find spatial patterns in the distribution of geographic phenomena using geographic visualization and other techniques View
432 Discuss the causal relationship between spatial processes and spatial patterns, including the possible problems in determining causality View
433 Hypothesize the causes of a pattern in the spatial distribution of a phenomenon View
434 Differentiate among distributions in space, time, and attribute View
435 Identify influences of scale on the appearance of distributions View
436 Employ techniques for visualizing, describing, and analyzing distributions in space, time, and attribute View
437 Delineate regions using properties, spatial relationships, and geospatial technologies View
438 Exemplify regions found at different scales View
439 Explain the relationship between regions and categories View
440 Differentiate among different types of regions, including functional, cultural, physical, administrative, and others View
441 Identify the kinds of phenomena that are commonly found at the boundaries of regions View
442 Explain why general-purpose regions rarely exist View
443 Compare and contrast the opportunities and pitfalls of using regions to aggregate geographic information (e.g., census data) View
444 Use established analysis methods that are based on the concept of region (e.g., landscape ecology) View
445 Explain the nature of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) View
446 Describe the ways in which a spatial perspective enables the synthesis of different subjects (e.g., climate and economy) View
447 Describe the common constraints on spatial integration View
448 Use established analysis methods that are based on the concept of spatial integration (e.g., overlay) View
449 Describe particular geographic phenomena in terms of their place in mereonomic hierarchies (parts and composites) View
450 Identify phenomena that are best understood as networks View
451 Explain the modeling of structural relationships in standard GIS data models, such as stored topology View
452 Represent structural relationships in GIS data View
453 Explain the effects of spatial or temporal scale on the perception of structure View
454 Explain the contributions of formal mathematical methods such as Graph Theory to the study and application of geographic structures View
455 Define various terms used to describe topological relationships, such as disjoint, overlap, within, and intersect View
456 Describe geographic phenomena in terms of their topological relationships (in space and time to other phenomena View
457 List the possible topological relationships between entities in space (e.g., 9-intersection) and time View
458 Use methods that analyze topological relationships View
459 Recognize the contributions of Topology (the branch of mathematics) to the study of geographic relationships View
460 Describe geographic phenomena in terms of their distances and directions (in space and time) Define spatial autocorrelation in the context of geographic proximity View
461 Define spatial autocorrelation in the context of geographic proximity View
462 Use methods that analyze metrical relationships View
463 Identify situations in which Toblers First Law of Geography is valuable View
464 Identify situations in which Toblers First Law of Geography does not apply View
465 Explain why Toblers First Law of Geography is fundamental to many operations in GIS and whether it should be View
466 Define the principle of friction of distance and geographic models that are based on it (e.g., gravity models, spatial interaction models) View
467 Compare and contrast the meanings of related terms such as vague, fuzzy, imprecise, indefinite, indiscrete, unclear, and ambiguous View
468 Evaluate the role that system complexity, dynamic processes, and subjectivity play in the creation of vague phenomena and concepts View
469 Identify the hedges used in language to convey vagueness View
470 Describe the cognitive processes that tend to create vagueness View
471 Differentiate applications in which vagueness is an acceptable trait from those in which it is unacceptable View
472 Recognize the degree to which vagueness depends on scale View
473 Evaluate vagueness in the locations, time, attributes, and other aspects of geographic phenomena View
474 Differentiate between the following concepts: vagueness and ambiguity, well defined and poorly defined objects and fields or discord and non-specificity View
475 Define uncertainty-related terms, such as error, accuracy, uncertainty, precision, stochastic, probabilistic, deterministic, and random View
476 Differentiate uncertainty in geospatial situations from vagueness View
477 Recognize the degree to which the importance of uncertainty depends on scale and application View
478 Recognize expressions of uncertainty in language View
479 Evaluate the causes of uncertainty in geospatial data View
480 Describe a stochastic error model for a natural phenomenon View
481 Explain how the familiar concepts of geographic objects and fields affect the conceptualization of uncertainty View
482 Describe the basic principles of randomness and probability View
483 Devise simple ways to represent probability information in GIS View
484 Recognize the assumptions underlying probability and geostatistics and the situations in which they are useful analytical tools View
485 Compute descriptive statistics and geostatistics of geographic data View
486 Interpret descriptive statistics and geostatistics of geographic data View
487 Explain how technological changes have affected cartographic design and production View
488 Explain the impact of advances in visualization methods in the evolution of cartography View
489 Compare and contrast cartographic developments in various countries and world regions such as Switzerland, France, China, the Middle East, and Greece View
490 Describe how compilation, production, and distribution methods used in map making have evolved View
491 Describe how symbolization methods used in map making have evolved View
492 Describe the contributions by Robinson, Jenks, Raisz, and others to US academic cartography View
493 Discuss the influence of some cartographers of the 16th and 17th centuries (Mercator, Ortelius, Jansson, Homann and others) View
494 Discuss the perspectives of Brian Harley and others on the political motivation for the development of certain kinds of maps View
495 Discuss the relationship between the history of exploration and the development of a more accurate map of the world View
496 Discuss the Swiss influence on map design and production, highlighting Imhofs contributions View
497 Outline the development of some of the major map projections (e.g., Mercator, Gnomonic, Robinson) View
498 Explain how Bertin has influenced trends in cartographic symbolization View
499 Apply one or more Gestalt principles to achieve appropriate figure-ground for map elements View
500 Create different map layouts using the same map components (main map area, inset maps, titles, legends, scale bars, north arrows, grids and graticule) to produce maps with very distinctive purposes View
501 Create different maps using the same data for different purposes and intended audiences (e.g., expert and novice hikers) View
502 List the major factors that should be considered in preparing a map View
503 Describe the design needs of special purpose maps such as subdivision plans, cadastral mapping, drainage plans, nautical charts, aeronautical charts, geological maps, military maps, wire-mesh volume maps, and 3D plans of urban change View
504 Describe differences in design needed for a map that is to be viewed on the Internet versus as a 5x7 foot poster, including a discussion of the effect of viewing distance, lighting, and media type View
505 Discuss how to create an intellectual and visual hierarchy on maps View
506 Discuss the differences between maps that use the same data but are for different purposes and intended audiences View
507 Discuss the differences between maps that use the same data but are for different purposes and intended audiences View
508 Critique the graphic design of several maps in terms of balance, legibility, clarity, visual contrast, figure-ground organization, and hierarchal organization View
509 Critique the layout of several maps, taking into account the map audience and purpose and the graphic design (visual balance, hierarchy, figure-ground), as well as the map components (north arrow, scale bar, and legend) View
510 Design maps that are appropriate for users with vision limitations View
515 List the range of factors that should be considered in selecting colors View
517 Discuss how cultural differences with respect to color associations impact map design View
518 Explain the common color models used in mapping View
520 Discuss the role of gamut in choosing colors that can be reproduced on various devices and media View
521 Explain how real-world connotations (e.g., blue=water, white=snow) can be used to determine color selections on maps View
524 Build a set of mapping problems that can be used to illustrate point, line, and area label conventions for placing text on maps View
525 Solve a labeling problem for a dense collection of features on a map using minimal leader lines View
528 Contrast the strengths and limitations of methods for automatic label placement View
529 Compare the relative merits of having map labels placed dynamically versus having them saved as annotation data View
530 Explain how text properties can be used as visual variables to graphically represent the type and attributes of geographic features View
531 Explain how to label features with indeterminate boundaries (canyons, oceans, etc.) View
533 Apply the appropriate technology to place name labels on a map using a geographic names database View
534 Select type font, size, style and color for labels on a map by applying basic typography design principles View
535 Select a technique that can be used to represent the value of each of the components of data quality (positional and attribute accuracy, logical consistency, and completeness) View
536 Apply multivariate and dynamic visualization methods to display uncertainty in data View
537 Outline a map with a reliability overlay using symbols suited to reliability representations View
538 Develop graphic techniques that clearly show different forms of inexactness (e.g., existence uncertainty, boundary location uncertainty, attribute ambiguity, transitional boundary) of a given feature (e.g., a culture region) View
539 Explain the design considerations for different thematic maps View
540 Evaluate the strengths and limitations of different thematic mapping methods View
541 Propose thematic mapping methods for mapping numerical data View
542 Choose suitable mapping methods for each attribute of a given type of feature in a GIS (e.g., roads with various attributes such as surface type, traffic flow, number of lanes, direction such as one-way, etc.) View
543 Select base information suited to providing a frame of reference for thematic map symbols (e.g., network of major roads and state boundaries underlying national population map) View
544 Create maps using each of the following methods: choropleth, dasymetric, proportioned symbol, graduated symbol, isoline, dot, cartogram, and flow map View
545 Create well-designed legends using the appropriate conventions for the following methods: choropleth, dasymetric, proportioned symbol, graduated symbol, isoline, dot, cartogram, and flow map View
546 Describe situations in which methods of terrain representation (e.g., shaded relief, contours, hypsometric tints, block diagrams, profiles) are well or poorly suited View
548 Differentiate 3D representations from 2.5 D representations View
549 Explain how maps that show the landscape in profile can be used to represent terrain View
550 Create a map that represents both slope and aspect on the same map using the Moellering-Kimerling coloring method View
551 Differentiate the interpretation of a series of three maps and a single multivariate map, each representing the same three related variables View
552 Explain the relationship among several variables in a parallel coordinate plot View
553 Find a multivariate outlier using a combination of maps and graphs View
554 Design a map series to show the change in a geographic pattern over time View
555 Design a single map symbol that can be used to symbolize a set of related variables View
556 Create a map that displays related variables using different mapping methods (e.g., choropleth and proportional symbol, choropleth and cartogram) View
557 Create a map that displays related variables using the same mapping method (e.g., bivariate choropleth map, bivariate dot map) View
558 Demonstrate how the adding time-series data reveals (or not) patterns not evident in a cross-sectional data View
559 Illustrate how an animated map reveals patterns not evident without animation View
560 Demonstrate how Bertins graphic variables can be extended to include animation effects View
561 Create a temporal sequence representing a dynamic geospatial process View
562 Explain how interactivity influences map use View
563 Describe a mapping goal in which the use of each of the following would be appropriate: brushing, linking, multiple displays View
564 Discuss the uses of the map as a user interface element in interactive presentations of geographic information View
565 Critique the interactive elements of an online map View
566 Develop a useful interactive interface and legend View
567 Build an animated map for a specified purpose View
568 Build an interactive map suitable for a given audience View
569 Describe considerations for using maps on the Web as a method for downloading data View
570 Discuss the influence of the user interface on maps and visualizations on the Web View
571 Critique the user interface for existing Internet mapping services View
572 Construct a Web page that includes an interactive map View
573 Edit the symbology, labeling, and page layout for a map originally designed for hard copy printing so that it can be seen and used on the Web View
574 Illustrate the use of virtual environments View
575 Explain how the virtual and immersive environments become increasingly more complex as we move from the relatively non-immersive VRML desktop environment to a stereoscopic display (e.g., a GeoWall) to a more fully immersive CAVE View
576 List software and hardware environments supporting immersive visualization View
577 Discuss about the advantages of different immersive display systems View
578 Evaluate the extent to which a GeoWall or CAVE does or does not enhance understanding of spatial data View
579 Explain how spatial metaphors can be used to illustrate the relationship among ideas View
580 Explain how spatialization is a core component of visual analytics View
581 Evaluate graphic techniques used to portray spatializations View
582 Create a pseudo-topographic surface to portray the relationships in a collection of documents View
583 Create a concept map that represents the contents and topology of a physical or social process View
584 Describe print quality characteristics and price differences for limited-run color map distribution View
585 Describe production concerns that might be discussed with a publisher who will print a map product View
586 Compare and contrast the quality of product evaluation that can be made from process proofs and color laser prints View
587 Outline the stages in lithographic offset printing View
588 Prepare a color map for black-and-white photocopy distribution View
589 Specify a print job for publication, including paper, ink, lpi, proof needs, press check and other contract decisions View
590 Explain how maps such as topographic maps are produced within certain relations of power and knowledge View
591 Discuss how the choices used in the design of a road map will influence the experience visitors may have of the area View
592 Explain how legal issues impact the design and content of such special purpose maps as subdivision plans, nautical charts and cadastral maps View
593 Select maps that illustrate the provocative, propaganda, political, and persuasive nature of maps and geospatial data View
594 Demonstrate how different methods of data classification for a single dataset can produce maps that will be interpreted very differently by the user View
595 Deconstruct the silences (feature omissions) on a map of a personally well known area View
596 Construct two maps about a conflict or war producing one supportive of each sides viewpoint View
597 Calculate slope using a topographic map and a DEM View
598 Calculate the planimetric and actual road distances between two locations on a topographic map View
599 Create a profile of a cross section through a terrain using a topographic map and a digital elevation model (DEM) View
600 Measure point-feature movement and point-feature diffusion on maps View
601 Plan an orienteering tour of a specific length that traverses slopes of an appropriate steepness and crosses streams in places that can be forded based on a topographic map View
602 Describe maps that can be used to find direction, distance, or position, plan routes, calculate area or volume, or describe shape View
603 Describe the differences between azimuths, bearings, and other systems for indicating directions View
604 Explain how maps can be used in determining an optimal route or facility selection View
605 Explain how maps can be used in terrain analysis (e.g., elevation determination, surface profiles, slope, viewsheds, and gradient) View
606 Explain how the types of distortion indicated by projection metadata on a map will affect map measurements View
607 Explain the differences between true north, magnetic north, and grid north directional references View
608 Compare and contrast the manual measurement of the areas of polygons on a map printed from a GIS with those calculated by the computer and discuss the implications these variations in measurement might have on map useg View
609 Determine feature counts of point, line, and area features on maps View
610 Analyze spatial patterns of selected point, line and area feature arrangements on maps View
611 List the costs and benefits (financial and intangible) of implementing geospatial technology for a particular application or an entire institution View
612 Compare and contrast the relative merits of outsourcing the feasibility analysis and system design processes or doing them in-house View
613 Identify major obstacles to the success of a GIS proposal View
614 Evaluate possible solutions to the major obstacles that stand in the way of a successful GIS proposal View
615 List some of the topics that should be addressed in such a justification of geospatial technology (e.g., ROI, workflow, knowledge sharing) View
616 Decide whether geospatial technology should be used for a particular task View
617 Perform a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of an application View
618 Justify feasibility recommendations to decision-makers View
619 Identify potential sources of data (free or commercial) needed for a particular application or enterprise View
620 Estimate the cost to collect needed data from primary sources (e.g., remote sensing, GPS) View
621 Judge the relative merits of obtaining free data, purchasing data, outsourcing data creation, or producing and managing data in-house for a particular application or enterprise View
622 Identify the positions necessary to design and implement a GIS View
623 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing elements of the implementation of a geospatial system, such as data entry View
624 Evaluate the labor needed in past cases to build a new geospatial enterprise View
625 Create a budget of expected labor costs, including salaries, benefits, training, and other expenses View
626 Identify the hardware and space that will be needed for a GIS implementation View
627 Hypothesize the ways in which capital needs for GIS may change in the future View
628 Compare and contrast the relative merits of housing GI systems within IT (information technology) and MIS (management information system) facilities versus keeping them separate View
629 Collaborate effectively with various units in an institution to develop efficient hardware and space solutions View
630 Identify potential sources of funding (internal and external) for a project or enterprise GIS View
631 Analyze previous attempts at funding to identify successful and unsuccessful techniques View
632 Create proposals and presentations to secure funding View
642 Differentiate between conceptual and logical models, in terms of the level of detail, constraints, and range of information included View
643 Define the cardinality of relationships View
644 Explain the various types of cardinality View
645 Distinguish between the temporary and structural relationships in a conceptual model View
646 Determine which relationships need to be stored explicitly in the database View
647 Evaluate the various general data models common in GIS project View
648 Create logical models based on conceptual models using UML or other tools View
649 Differentiate between logical and physical models, in terms of the level of detail, constraints, and range of information included View
650 Recognize the constraints and opportunities of a particular choice of software for implementing a physical model View
651 Create UML diagrams of physical models based on logical model diagrams and software requirements View
652 Create a complete design document ready for implementation View
653 Define basic terms used in the raster data model (e.g., cell, row, column, value) View
654 Explain how the raster data model instantiates a grid representation View
655 Interpret the header of a standard raster data file View
656 Compare and contrast the raster with other types of regular tessellations for geographic data storage View
657 Compare and contrast the raster with other types of regular tessellations for geographic data analysis View
658 Write a program to read and write a raster data file View
659 Explain how grid representations embody the field-based view View
660 Differentiate among a lattice, a tessellation, and a grid View
661 Explain how terrain elevation can be represented by a regular tessellation and by an irregular tessellation View
662 Identify the national framework datasets based on a grid model View
663 Illustrate the existing methods for compressing gridded data (e.g., run length encoding, Lempel-Ziv, wavelets) View
664 Differentiate between lossy and lossless compression methods View
665 Evaluate the relative merits of grid compression methods for storage View
666 Explain the advantage of wavelet compression View
667 Illustrate the hexagonal model View
668 Exemplify the uses (past and potential) of the hexagonal model View
669 Explain the limitations of the grid model compared to the hexagonal model View
670 Describe the architecture of the TIN model View
671 Demonstrate the use of the TIN model for different statistical surfaces (e.g., terrain elevation, population density, disease incidence) in a GIS software application View
672 Describe how to generate a unique TIN solution using Delaunay triangulation View
673 Construct a TIN manually from a set of spot elevations View
674 Delineate a set of break lines that improve the accuracy of a TIN View
675 Describe the conditions under which a TIN might be more practical than GRID View
676 Relate the concept of grid cell resolution to the more general concept of support and granularity View
677 Illustrate the impact of grid cell resolution on the information that can be portrayed View
678 Evaluate the implications of changing grid cell resolution on the results of analytical applications by using GIS software View
679 Evaluate the ease of measuring resolution in different types of tessellations View
680 Illustrate the quadtree model View
681 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the quadtree model for geographic database representation and modeling View
682 Describe alternatives to quadtrees for representing hierarchical tessellations (e.g., hextrees, r-trees, pyramids) View
683 Explain how quadtrees and other hierarchical tessellations can be used to index large volumes of raster or vector data View
684 Implement a format for encoding quadtrees in a data file View
685 Evaluate the positive and negative impacts of this shift from integrated topological models View
686 Define terms related to topology (e.g., adjacency, connectivity, overlap, intersect, logical consistency) View
687 Illustrate a topological relation View
688 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of topological data models View
689 Demonstrate how a topological structure can be represented in a relational database structure View
690 Exemplify the concept of planar enforcement (e.g., TIN triangles) View
691 Discuss the role of graph theory in topological structures View
692 Describe the integrity constraints of integrated topological models (e.g., POLYVRT) View
693 Discuss the historical roots of the Census Bureaus creation of GBF/DIME as the foundation for the development of topological data structures View
694 Explain why integrated topological models have lost favor in commercial GIS software View
695 Discuss some of the difficulties of applying the standard process-pattern concept to lines and networks View
696 Define the following terms pertaining to a network: Loops, multiple edges, the degree of a vertex, walk, trail, path, cycle, fundamental cycle View
697 Demonstrate how a network is a connected set of edges and vertices View
698 List definitions of networks that apply to specific applications or industries View
699 Create an adjacency table from a sample network View
700 Explain how a graph can be written as an adjacency matrix and how this can be used to calculate topological shortest paths in the graph View
701 Create an incidence matrix from a sample network View
702 Explain how a graph (network) may be directed or undirected View
703 Demonstrate how attributes of networks can be used to represent cost, time, distance, or many other measures View
704 Demonstrate how the star (or forward star) data structure, which is often employed when digitally storing network information, violates relational normal form, but allows for much faster search and retrieval in network databases View
705 Describe the use of based on temporal relationships of objects and space (Crime or disease analyses are examples) View
706 Recommend the map projection property that would be useful for various mapping applications, including parcel mapping, route mapping, etc., and justify your recommendations View
707 Describe the visual appearance of the Earths graticule View
708 Identify and define the four geometric properties of the globe that may be preserved or lost in projected coordinates View
709 Explain the concept of a compromise projection and for which purposes it is useful View
710 Discuss what a Tissot indicatrix represents and how it can be used to assess projection-induced error View
711 Interpret a given a projected graticule, continent outlines, and indicatrixes at each graticule intersection in terms of geometric properties preserved and distorted View
712 Illustrate distortion patterns associated with a given projection class View
713 Recognize distortion patterns on a map based upon the graticule arrangement View
714 Explain the kind of distortion that occurs when raster data are projected View
715 Explain the rationale for the selection of the geometric property that is preserved in map projections used as the basis of the UTM and SPC systems View
716 Explain the concept developable surface and reference globe as conceptual ways of projecting the Earths surface View
717 Classify various map projection types by the three main classes of map projections based on developable surfaces View
718 Classify various map projection types according to the geometric properties preserved View
719 Illustrate the graticule configurations for other projection classes, such as polyconic, pseudocylindrical, etc. View
720 Explain the mathematical basis by which latitude and longitude locations are projected into x and y coordinate space View
721 Define key terms such as standard line, projection case, latitude and longitude of origin View
722 Explain how the concepts of the tangent and secant cases relate to the idea of a standard line View
723 Identify the possible aspects of a projection and describe the graticules appearance in each aspect View
724 Identify the parameters that allow one to focus a projection on an area of interest View
725 Use GIS software to produce a graticule that matches a target graticule View
726 Implement a given map projection formula in a software program that reads geographic coordinates as input and produces projected (x, y) coordinates as output View
727 Differentiate rectification and orthorectification View
728 Explain the role and selection criteria for ground control points (GCPs) in the georegistration of aerial imagery View
729 Identify and explain an equation used to perform image-to-map registration View
730 Identify and explain an equation used to perform image-to-image registration View
731 Use GIS software to transform a given dataset to a specified coordinate system, projection, and datum View
732 Explain the phenomenon that is recorded in an aerial image View
733 Compare and contrast digital and photographic imaging View
734 Explain the significance of bit depth in aerial imaging View
735 Differentiate oblique and vertical aerial imagery View
736 Describe the location and geometric characteristics of the principal point of an aerial image View
737 Recognize the distortions and implications of relief displacement and radial distortion in an aerial image View
738 Compare common sensors-including LiDAR, and airborne panchromatic and multispectral cameras and scanners-in terms of spatial resolution, spectral sensitivity, ground coverage, and temporal resolution View
739 Describe the elements of image interpretation View
740 Use photo interpretation keys to interpret features on aerial photographs View
741 Using a vertical aerial image, produce a map of land use/land cover classes View
742 Calculate the nominal scale of a vertical aerial image View
743 Calculate heights and areas of objects and distances between objects shown in a vertical aerial image View
744 Explain the relevance of the concept parallax in stereoscopic aerial imagery View
745 Outline the sequence of tasks involved in generating an orthoimage from a vertical aerial photograph View
746 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of photogrammetric methods and LiDAR for production of terrain elevation data View
747 Specify the technical components of an aerotriangulation system View
748 Describe the source data, instrumentation, and workflow involved in extracting vector data (features and elevations) from analog and digital stereoimagery View
749 Discuss the extent to which vector data extraction from aerial stereoimagery has been automated View
750 Discuss future prospects for automated feature extraction from aerial imagery View
751 Plan an aerial imagery mission in response to a given RFP and map of a study area, taking into consideration vertical and horizontal control, atmospheric conditions, time of year, and time of day View
752 Explain the concepts of spatial resolution, radiometric resolution, and spectral sensitivity View
753 Draw and explain a diagram that depicts the key bands of the electromagnetic spectrum in relation to the magnitude of electromagnetic energy emitted and/or reflected by the Sun and Earth across the spectrum View
754 Draw and explain a diagram that depicts the bands in the electromagnetic spectrum at which Earths atmosphere is sufficiently transparent to allow high-altitude remote sensing View
755 Illustrate the spectral response curves for basic environmental features (e.g., vegetation, concrete, bare soil) View
756 Describe an application that requires integration of remotely sensed data with GIS and/or GPS data View
757 Explain the concept of data fusion in relation to remote sensing applications in GIS and T View
758 Compare common sensors by spatial resolution, spectral sensitivity, ground coverage, and temporal resolution [e.g., AVHRR, MODIS (intermediate resolution ~500 m, high temporal) Landsat, commercial high resolution (Ikonos and Quickbird); ... View
759 Differentiate between active and passive sensors, citing examples of each View
760 Differentiate push-broom and cross-track scanning technologies View
761 Explain the principle of multibeam bathymetric mapping View
762 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of airborne remote sensing versus satellite remote sensing View
763 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of acoustic remote sensing versus airborne or satellite remote sensing for seafloor mapping View
764 Select the most appropriate remotely sensed data source for a given analytical task, study area, budget, and availability View
765 Differentiate supervised classification from unsupervised classification View
766 Produce pseudocode for common unsupervised classification algorithms including chain method, ISODATA method, and clustering View
767 Perform a manual unsupervised classification given a two-dimensional array of reflectance values and ranges of reflectance values associated with a given number of land cover categories View
768 Calculate a set of filtered reflectance values for a given array of reflectance values and a digital image filtering algorithm View
769 Describe a situation in which filtered data are more useful than the original unfiltered data View
770 Describe the sequence of tasks involved in the geometric correction of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Global Land Dataset View
771 Compare pixel-based image classification methods with segmentation techniques View
772 Explain how to enhance contrast of reflectance values clustered within a narrow band of wavelengths View
773 Describe an application of hyperspectral image data View
774 Explain how U.S. Geological Survey scientists and contractors assess the accuracy of the National Land Cover Dataset View
775 Evaluate the thematic accuracy of a given soils map View
776 Outline a plausible workflow used by MDA Federal (formerly EarthSat) to create the high-resolution GEOCOVER global imagery and GEOCOVER-LC global land cover datasets View
777 Outline a plausible workflow for habitat mapping, such as the benthic habitat mapping in the main Hawaiian Islands as part of the NOAA Biogeography program View
778 Describe how sea surface temperatures are mapped View
779 Explain how sea surface temperature maps are used to predict El Nino events View
780 Digitize and georegister a specified vector feature set to a given geometric accuracy and topological fidelity thresholds using a given map sheet, digitizing tablet, and data entry software View
781 Outline a workflow that can be used to train a new employee to update a county road centerlines database using digital aerial imagery and standard GIS editing tools View
782 Outline the process of scanning and vectorizing features depicted on a printed map sheet using a given GIS software product, emphasizing issues that require manual intervention View
783 Demonstrate the importance of a clean, relatively error-free database (together with an appropriate geodetic framework) with the use of GIS software View
784 Modify spatial and attribute data while ensuring consistency within the database View
785 Discuss the implication of long transactions on database integrity View
786 Exemplify scenarios in which one would need to perform a number of periodic changes in a real GIS database View
787 Explain how one would establish the criteria for monitoring the periodic changes in a real GIS database View
788 Define a set of rules for modeling changes in spatial databases View
789 Describe techniques for handling version control in spatial databases View
790 Describe techniques for managing long transactions in a multi-user environment View
791 Explain why logging and rollback techniques are adequate for managing short transactions View
792 Design a test of reliability of change information (e.g., the logical consistency of updates to the TIGER database) View
793 Implement a test of reliability of change information View
794 Describe an application in which it is crucial to maintain previous versions of the database View
795 Produce viable queries for change scenarios using GIS or database management tools View
796 Describe existing algorithms designed for performing dynamic queries View
797 Demonstrate how both the time criticality and the data security might determine whether one performs change detection on-line or off-line in a given scenario View
798 Exemplify how the lack of a data librarian to manage data can have disastrous consequences on the resulting dataset View
799 In contrast to the National Map Accuracy Standard, explain how the spatial accuracy of a digital road centerlines data set may be evaluated and documented View
800 Explain the formula for calculating root mean square error View
801 Compare the concepts of geometric accuracy and topological fidelity View
802 Describe how geometric accuracy should be documented in terms of the FGDC metadata standard View
803 State the geometric accuracies associated with the various orders of the U.S. horizontal geodetic control network View
804 Explain how geometric accuracies associated with the various orders of the U.S. horizontal geodetic control network are assured View
805 State the approximate number and spacing of control points in each order of the horizontal geodetic control network View
806 Explain the factors that influence the geometric accuracy of data produced with Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers View
807 Explain the concept of dilution of precision View
808 Describe the impact of the concept of dilution of precision on the uncertainty of GPS positioning View
809 Explain the principle of differential correction in relation to the global positioning system View
810 Apply the National Map Accuracy Standard to calculate the accuracy associated with the various USGS topographic map scales View
811 Compare the National Map Accuracy Standard with the ASPRS Coordinate Standard View
812 Explain the distinction between thematic accuracy, geometric accuracy, and topological fidelity View
813 Describe the different measurement levels on which thematic accuracy is based View
814 Describe the component measures and the utility of a misclassification matrix View
815 Discuss how measures of spatial autocorrelation may be used to evaluate thematic accuracy View
816 Outline the SDTS and ISO TC211 standards for thematic accuracy View
817 Illustrate and explain the distinction between resolution, precision, and accuracy View
818 Illustrate and explain the distinctions between spatial resolution, thematic resolution, and temporal resolution View
819 Discuss the implications of the sampling theorem (Lambda = 0.5 delta) to the concept of resolution View
820 Differentiate among the spatial, spectral, radiometric, and temporal resolution of a remote sensing instrument View
821 Explain how resampling affects the resolution of image data View
822 Discuss the advantages and potential problems associated with the use of Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) as a measure of the level of detail in land use, land cover, and soils maps View
823 Calculate, in terms of ground area, the uncertainty associated with decimal coordinates specified to three, four, and five decimal places View
824 Explain the concept of error propagation View
825 Explain, in general terms, the difference between single and double precision and impacts on error propagation View
826 Explain the distinction between primary and secondary data sources in terms of census data, cartographic data, and remotely sensed data View
827 Describe a scenario in which data from a secondary source may pose obstacles to effective and efficient use View
828 Discuss ways in which the geospatial profession is regulated under the U.S. legal regime View
829 Compare and contrast and contrast the relationship of the geospatial profession and the U.S. legal regime with similar relationships in other countries View
830 Discuss the status of the concept of privacy in the U.S. legal regime View
831 Explain how data aggregation is used to protect personal privacy in data produced by the U.S. Census Bureau View
832 Explain how conversion of land records data from analog to digital form increases risk to personal privacy View
833 Compare and contrast geographic information technologies that are privacy-invasive, privacy-enhancing, and privacy-sympathetic View
834 Explain the argument that human tracking systems enable geoslavery View
835 Describe perspectives on the nature and scope of system benefits among agency officials, organizational personnel, and citizens View
836 Discuss implications of unequal economic power on the kinds of organizations that use, and benefit from, GIS and T View
837 List and describe the types of data maintained by local, state, and federal governments View
838 Describe how geospatial data are used and maintained for land use planning, property value assessment, maintenance of public works, and other applications View
839 Explain the concept of a spatial decision support system View
840 Explain how geospatial information might be used in a taking of private property through a governments claim of its right of eminent domain View
841 Describe a variety of philosophical frameworks upon which codes of professional ethics may be based View
842 Discuss the ethical implications of a local government's decision to charge fees for its data View
843 Describe a scenario in which you would find it necessary to report misconduct by a colleague or friend View
844 Describe the individuals or groups to which GIS and T professionals have ethical obligations View
845 Compare and contrast the ethical guidelines promoted by the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) and the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) View
846 Describe the sanctions imposed by ASPRS and GISCI on individuals whose professional actions violate the codes of ethics View
847 Explain how one or more obligations in the GIS Code of Ethics may conflict with organizations proprietary interests View
848 Propose a resolution to a conflict between an obligation in the GIS Code of Ethics and organizations proprietary interests View
849 Explain the argument that GIS privileges certain views of the world over others View
850 Identify alternatives to the algorithmic way of thinking that characterizes GIS View
851 Discuss critiques of GIS as deterministic technology in relation to debates about the Quantitative Revolution in the discipline of geography View
852 Describe the extent to which contemporary GIS and T supports diverse ways of understanding the world View
853 Discuss the implications of interoperability on ontology View
854 Defend or refute the argument that the GIS and T professionals are culpable for applications that result in civilian casualties in warfare View
855 Defend or refute the argument that the digital divide that characterizes access to GIS and T perpetuates inequities among developed and developing nations, among socio-economic groups, and between individuals, community organizations, ... View
856 Discuss the ethical implications of the use of GIS and T as a surveillance technology View
857 Defend or refute the contention that the masculinist culture of computer work in general, and GIS work in particular, perpetuates gender inequality in GIS and T education and training and occupational segregation in the GIS and T workforce View
858 Explain the argument that GIS and remote sensing foster a disembodied way of knowing the world View
859 Discuss the potential role of agency (individual action) in resisting dominant practices and in using GIS and T in ways that are consistent with feminist epistemologies and politics View
860 Explain the argument that, throughout history, maps have been used to depict social relations View
861 Explain how a tax assessors office adoption of GIS and T may affect power relations within a community View
862 Discuss the production, maintenance, and use of geospatial data by a government agency or private firm from the perspectives of a taxpayer, a community organization, and a member of a minority group View
863 Explain the argument that GIS is socially constructed View
864 Describe the use of GIS from a political ecology point of view (e.g., consider the use of GIS for resource identification, conservation, and allocation by an NGO in Sub-Saharan Africa) View
865 Defend or refute the contention that critical studies have an identifiable influence on the development of the information society in general and GIScience in particular View
866 Analyze how using GIS and T as an integrating technology affects different models of management View
867 Describe how GI S and T can be used in the decision-making process in organizations dealing with natural resource management, business management, public management or operations management View
868 Differentiate an enterprise system from a department-centered GI system View
869 Explain how GIS and T can be an integrating technology View
870 Illustrate what functions a support or service center can provide to an organization using GIS and T View
871 Calculate the estimated schedule required to carry out all of the implementation steps for an enterprise GIS of a given size View
872 Describe the components of a needs assessment for an enterprise GIS View
873 Exemplify each component of a needs assessment for an enterprise GIS View
874 Indicate the possible justifications that can be used to implement an enterprise GIS View
875 List some of the topics that should be addressed in a justification for implementing an enterprise GIS (e.g., return on investment, workflow, knowledge sharing) View
876 Describe the stages of two different models of implementing a GIS within an organization View
877 Describe different organizational models for coordinating GIS and T participants and stakeholders View
878 Compare and contrast centralized, federated, and distributed models for managing information infrastructures View
879 Describe the roles and relationships of GIS and T support staff View
880 Exemplify how to make GIS and T relevant to top managemen View
881 Describe the differences between licensing, certification and accreditation in relation to GIS and T positions and qualifications View
882 Discuss the status of professional and academic certification in GIS and T View
883 Discuss how a code of ethics might be applied within an organization View
884 Explain why it has been difficult for many agencies and organizations to define positions and roles for GIS and T professionals View
885 Identify the qualifications needed for a particular GIS and T position View
886 Identify the standard occupational codes that are relevant to GIS and T View
887 Describe issues that may hinder implementation and continued successful operation of a GI system if effective methods of staff development are not included in the process View
888 Outline methods (programs or processes) that provide effective staff development opportunities for GIS and T View
889 Compare and contrast training methods utilized in a non-profit to those employed in a local government agency View
890 Discuss different formats (tutorials, in house, online, instructor lead) for training and how they can be used by organizations View
891 Discuss the National Research Council report on Learning to Think Spatially (2005) as it relates to spatial thinking skills needed by the GIS and T workforce View
892 Find or create training resources appropriate for GIS and T workforce in a local government organization View
893 Identify the particular skills necessary for users to perform tasks in three different workforce domains (e.g., small city, medium county agency, a business, or others) View
894 Illustrate methods that are effective in providing opportunities for education and training when implementing a GIS in a small city View
895 Teach necessary skills for users to successfully perform tasks in an enterprise GIS View
896 Describe political, economic, administrative, and other social forces in agencies, organizations, and citizens that inhibit or promote sharing of geospatial and other data View
897 Explain how clearing houses, metadata, and standards can help facilitate spatial data sharing View
898 Explain how privacy and commoditization of data impact influences decisions regarding spatial data infrastructures View
899 Compare and contrast the impact effect of time for developing consensus-based standards with immediate operational needs View
900 Explain how resistance to change affects the adoption of standards in an organization coordinating a GIS View
901 Explain how a business case analysis can be used to justify the expense of implementing consensus-based standards View
902 Identify organizations that focus on developing standards related to GIS and T View
903 Identify standards that are used in GIS and T View
904 Compare and contrast the missions, histories, constituencies, and activities of professional organizations including Association of American Geographers (AAG), America Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) ... View
905 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) View
906 Identify conferences that are related to GIS and T hosted by professional organizations View
907 Assess the involvement of non-GIS companies (e.g., Microsoft, Google) in the geospatial industry View
908 Describe the U.S. geospatial industry including vendors, software, hardware and data View
909 Describe three applications of geospatial technology for different workforce domains (e.g., first responders, forestry, water resource management, facilities management) View
910 Explain why software products sold by U.S. companies may predominate in foreign markets, including Europe and Australia View
911 Describe possible benefits to an organization by participating in a given society that is related to GIS and T View
912 Discuss the value or effect of participation in societies, conferences, and informal communities to entities managing enterprise GIS View
913 Identify conferences that are related to GIS and T View
914 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of University Consortium of Geographic Science (UCGIS) and the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA) View
915 Discuss the political, cultural, economic, and geographic characteristics of various countries that influence their adoption and use of GIS and T View
916 Identify National Science Foundation (NSF) programs that support GIS and T research and education View
917 Outline the principle concepts and goals of the digital earth vision articulated in 1998 by Vice President Al Gore View
918 Assess the current status of Gores digital earth View
919 Describe the data programs provided by organizations such as The National Map, GeoSpatial One Stop, and National Integrated Land System View
920 Discuss the mission, history constituencies and activities of international organizations such as Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe (AGILE) and the European GIS Education Seminar (EUGISES) View
921 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of governmental entities such as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Environmental Protection Agency as they related to support... View
922 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of GeoSpatial One Stop View
923 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Inc. View
924 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of the Nation Integrated Land System (NILS) View
925 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) View
926 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of the National Academies of Science Mapping Science Committee View
927 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of the USGS and its National Map vision View
928 Describe how state GIS Councils can be used in enterprise GIS and T implementation processes View
929 Determine if your state has a Geospatial Information Office (GIO) and discuss the mission, history, constituencies and activities of a GIO View
930 Discuss how informal and formal regional bodies (e.g., Metro GIS) can help support GIS and T in an organization View
931 Discuss the mission, history, constituencies, and activities of National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) View
932 Explain the functions, mission, history, constituencies, and activities of your state GIS Council and related formal and informal bodies View
933 Describe the leading academic journals serving the GIS and T community View
934 Develop a bibliography of scholarly and professional articles and/or books that are relevant to a particular GIS and T project View
935 Select association and for-profit journals that are useful to entities managing enterprise GI systems View
936 Select and describe the leading trade journals serving the GIS and T community View
937 Explain the principle of along track scanning (pushbroom technology) View
938 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the pushbroom system View
939 Design workflows, procedures, and customized software tools for using geospatial technologies and methods View
940 Develop effective mathematical and other models of spatial situations and processes View
941 Understand spatial data models and structures View
942 Design databases for spatial data management View
944 Demonstrate why the system design is important in any GIS implementation View
945 Interpret business needs and translate them to IT needs View
946 Interpret user needs as an input for the design process View
947 Model project workflows View
948 Identify user locations, network connectivity, and data center server locations View
949 Analyse suitability of a network View
950 Identify data center platform tier configuration and identify platform selection for each tier View
951 Identify platform assignment for each workflow software component peak transaction processing load View
952 Define a methodology for gathering of requirements View
953 Build a mechanism for converting the requirements into a product View
954 Select from conflicting requirements View
955 Develop use cases for potential applications using established techniques with potential users, such as questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, the Delphi method, and/or joint application development View
956 Determine how to integrate or combine the proposed workflow with current applications running View
957 Report existing and potential tasks in terms of workflow and information flow View
958 Assess the relative importance and immediacy of the requirements View
959 Compile the needs of individual users and tasks into enterprise-wide needs View
960 Illustrate how a business process analysis can be used to identify requirements during a GIS implementation View
961 Differentiate between software functional and non-functional requirements specification View
962 Manage requirements using a management tool (such as Trello, JIRA, etc.) View
963 Document existing and potential tasks in terms of workflow and information flow View
964 Illustrate how a business process analysis can be used to identify requirements during a GIS implementation View
965 Describe how spatial data and GIS&T can be integrated into a workflow process View
966 Select among the most appropriate method for documenting a certain process View
967 Create a user manual to help users understand a process or task View
968 Choose the best symbols for representing different attributes View
969 Design icons suitable for mapping different elements View
970 Interpret different symbols and icons in a map View
971 Relate the spatial dimension and the weight of mapped features with the attributes they represent View
972 Create an aesthetic map icon library View
973 Select a color palette appropriate for a representation View
974 Identify the most appropriate color palette for an online map for visually-impaired people View
975 Identify the most appropriate color palette for a printed map for visually-impaired people View
976 Evaluate the colors used in a web map to be used indoors and outdoors View
977 Select the most appropriate place in a map to place a label and a legend View
978 Solve ambiguities in map label by selecting the most appropriate typography View
979 Transform imagery into radiometrically/atmospherically corrected state View
980 Apply EO metadata to satellite image to convert digital numbers (DN) of pixels into top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance values View
981 Understand sun, sun angle, and sensor parameters that influence top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance View
982 Atmospherically correct remotely sensed data to derive bottom of atmosphere (BOA) reflectance values from TOA data with the use of an appropriate radiative transfer modelling technique View
983 Understand atmospheric parameters that influence bottom of atmosphere (BOA) reflectance View
984 Choose and apply a method for atmospheric radiative transfer modelling like ATCOR View
985 Produce a surface corrected version of image values from BOA reflectance that removes topographic effects based on an input DSM and equations representing the relationship between sun incidence angle relative to terrain surface orientation View
986 Create a set of ground control points tying image coordinates to map coordinates of a reference dataset using a digital reference dataset or in-situ GPS measurements View
987 Apply rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) to refine georeference of satellite images View
988 Understand how root mean squared error (RMSE) at tie points represents local spatial accuracy and enables calculation of total RMSE that informs about the average spatial accuracy of the entire image View
989 Apply transformation of image coordinates to map coordinates in dedicated spatial reference system to generate an orthorectified image View
990 Understand spatial reference systems and apply them to an EO dataset View
991 Transform an EO dataset to map coordinates using a registered image of like geometry as a reference View
992 Apply pan-sharpening to an image according to metadata settings View
993 Measure reflectance of surfaces of vegetation types and other thematic classes in the field View
994 Compare reflectance measurements from the field to reflectance values in radiometrically pre-processed EO data View
995 Having in-depth knowledge of two of the three Copernicus-relevant topics: Land monitoring, Emergency response including Humanitarian action, and Climate change View
996 designing the description of a service for the need of a particular user of EO information View
997 Explain a use case of EO for smart cities, e.g. how EO derived information about urban green instrastructure supports designing nature based solutions for preserving ecosystem services View
998 Determine requirements and quality criteria for an EO information product that serves spatial planners in monitoring soil sealing View
1000 Describe the importance of geometric correction when using Earth Observation data View
1001 Explain the main causes of geometric distortions View
1002 Understand the importance of georeferencing for spatial data analysis View
1003 Explain the results of an SDI assessment View
1004 Compare different frameworks for assessing Spatial Data Infrastructures View
1005 Design an SDI assessment framework and methodology for assessing and evaluating an SDI View
1006 Describe the main advantages of object-based image analysis methods View
1007 List the main segmentation methods used to group similar pixels into homogeneous objects View
1008 Identify physical, semantic and spatial properties used to assigned objects to the target classes View
1009 Explain the advantages and limitations of rule-based classification method View
1010 Apply object-based image analysis methods for extracting information from optical imagery View
1011 Develop and implement an object-based image analysis workflow for a specific application context View
1012 Explain the importance of visualisation of cartographic materials over time View
1013 Relate the science and technology of graphical representation of geographic data View
1014 Choose from different options to create a map View
1015 Propose a holistic historical perspective of maps creation and use View
1016 Correlate map making methods with technological or societal factors across History View
1017 Discuss about the History of Cartography in different cultures View
1018 Illustrate the evolution of Cartography in different periods of time View
1019 Interpret the impact of paper-based and web maps in their context View
1020 Discuss the relationship between the history of exploration and the development of a more accurate map of the world View
1021 List the costs and benefits (tangible or intangible) of implementing a GI project View
1022 Identify major obstacles to the success of a GIS proposal View
1023 Cite software licenses View
1024 Identify the positions necessary to design and implement a GIS project / GI unit View
1025 Apply methods for organising and budgeting resources View
1026 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing elements of a GIS project / GI system View
1027 Create proposals and presentations to secure funding View
1028 Compare different design choices in developing spatial simulation models View
1029 Discuss different ways of simulating space and visualizing model behaviour View
1030 Explain how spatial simulation models can be used to advance scientific knowledge in different geographic scenarios (e.g. transportation, health geography, urban and regional analysis) View
1031 Perform a simulation experiment using available simulation software View
1032 Explain geocomputation, related concepts and how the two relate View
1033 Identify and compare the scenarios on which geocomputation methods are relevant View
1034 Understand how the theoretical roots and experimental emphasis on geocomputation are integrated View
1035 Understand complexity in the broadest sense View
1036 Outline the role of computational science in geocomputation View
1037 Illustrate the relationships between geocomputation with other terms, disciplines and areas of knowledge View
1038 Understand how geocomputation relates to other similar terms View
1039 Identify the types of geography problems geocomputation solves View
1040 Identify commonalities and patterns of geocomputation View
1041 Compare commonalities and patterns of geocomputation to other related terms View
1042 Define and discuss opportunities and limitations of computational science View
1043 Examine how computational technology relates to geocomputation View
1044 Understand the all-encompassing concepts of complexity View
1045 Understand how complex systems operate View
1046 Interpret how individual parts contained in a complex system relate to each other View
1047 Outline the complex problems where geocomputation is relevant View
1048 Understand the defining characteristics of simulation models, and their applicability View
1049 Explain the role and purpose of computer simulation methods in geocomputation View
1050 Explain the process simulation model development View
1051 Evaluate the tradeoffs between abstraction and representativeness in simulation model development View
1052 Differentiate between individual and aggregate models View
1053 Understand how models are translated into differential equations for execution View
1054 Explain what a cellular automata is and what its key components are View
1055 Identify cellular automata principles and pattern View
1056 Assess cellular automata for modeling geographical systems View
1057 Transform satellite image from image coordinates to map coordinates of a reference dataset View
1058 Explain what an agent-based model is and what its key components are View
1059 Identify agent-based modelling principles and methodologies View
1060 Assess agent-based models for simulating spatio-temporal systems View
1061 Discuss concepts of space-time dynamics for spatial modeling View
1062 Interpret when space-time dynamics can be used to study geographical phenomen View
1063 Compare different options of combining space-time dynamics approaches in spatial modelling View
1064 Understand how models can be specified into logical rules View
1065 Evaluate when rule-based models can be applied to spatiotemporal problems View
1066 Discuss options of combining rule-based models with other individual modelling approaches View
1067 Describe properties of a particular DEM product View
1068 Select an appropriate DEM product for usage in a specific application View
1069 Explain how the Urban Atlas product quality depends on its source EO data and how this affects its usage for urban planning. View
1070 Generate high quality time series by removing clouds and cloud shadows from the available images View
1071 Apply various phenology metrics to map target land cover classes View
1072 Identify anomalies by means of surface properties such as evapotranspiration (ET) or land surface temperature (LST) derived from satellite image time series View
1073 Estimate the potential value of a historical map View
1074 Convert historical maps in digital format View
1075 Demonstrate how to georeference an historical map View
1076 Discuss about the relationship between art and cartography View
1077 Illustrate with examples the relationship between art and cartography at different historical moments View
1078 Discuss how maps express relations of power View
1079 Discuss about the degree of subjectivity and/or objectivity of a map View
1080 Create two versions of the same map addressed to different targets View
1081 Construct a new map from an existing one with a biased view View
1082 Knowledge of the basic (selective) mechanism of the absorption/emission of electromagnetic radiation by atoms. View
1083 Choose or define a new image extent to extract an image subset for further analysis View
1084 Generate a layer stack from bands of various EO data sources View
1085 Apply an interpretation key to visually digitize land cover in an optical EO image View
1086 Explain how the NDVI relates to vegetation activity/health View
1087 Explain the main two phases of the LCCS approach to land cover classification View
1088 Explain the benefits of a flexible hierarchical classification system like LCCS View
1089 Explain an application example where SVM is used for EO image classification View
1090 Develop strategies and policies View
1091 Plan and design project implementations View
1092 Categorize different types of changes that can be identified from multitemporal images View
1093 Analyse and understand impact / consequences. View
1094 Analyse atmospheric EO measurements View
1095 Compare human-induced emissions to natural sources View
1096 Use EO products to forecast sunlight exposure View
1097 Assess climate forecasts and projections View
1098 Use EO products to conduct forecasts and projections View
1099 Use EO products to conduct numerical simulations View
1100 Understand how numerical prediction models work View
1101 Interpret the output of numerical prediction models View
1102 Use EO products to assess the risk of a disaster View
1103 Use EO products to monitor disaster prone areas View
1104 Use EO products to measure impact and/or recovery View
1105 Assess EO measurements of affected area View
1106 Plan emergency response actions View
1107 Use EO products to assess land areas, its ecosystems, and its evolution View
1108 Use EO products to plan land areas, its ecosystems, and its evolution View
1109 Evaluate the impact of changes in land areas View
1110 Analyse the suitability of the land area View
1111 Explain how a specific EO technology supports the assessments of disasters and geohazards View
1112 Explain the advantages of object-based classification approaches over pixel-based approaches View
1113 Relate the spatial and spectral characteristics of EO data to the types and proportions of materials found within the scene and within pixel IFOVs to relabel spectral classes as information classes of a classification scheme View
1114 Explain how stereoscopic imagery allows to derive an orthorectified image for the overlapping image areas View
1115 Explain how a set of overlapping images/satellite scenes can provide digital elevation models used for orthorectification and 3D modelling View
1116 Explain how band maths can be applied to derive an index that indicates a specific land cover type like vegetation View
1117 Explain why radiometric correction is a key requirement for deriving indices with band maths View
1118 Explain which principles a segmentation should follow to arrive at meaningful objects that are appropriate for a specific application View
1119 Understand the information that has been derived from EO products View
1120 Explain to customers the information derived from EO View
1121 Understand the strategic meaning of DIAS in the user segment of Copernicus View
1122 Explain the advantages of cloud-based processing over downloading and processing data locally View
1123 List specifics competitive DIAS solutions over other View
1124 Understand how positional/geometric accuracy of a dataset affects subsequent analysis View
1125 Choose or define a new image extent to extract an image subset for further analysis View
1126 Explain how the SAVI relates to soil and vegetation properties View
1127 Explain how the NDSI relates to snow properties View
1128 Explain an application example where the spectral indices are used for vegetation, water or snow monitoring View
1129 Examine how the vegetation indices relates to the vegetation dynamics and health View
1130 Examine how the water-related spectral indices relates to changes in the vegetation and soil water content View
1131 Explain how fourier transformation is used to reduce noise in optical imagery View
1132 Explain how a histogram is derived from an EO image View
1133 Select a contrast stretch for an image View
1134 Identify and explain methods of image enhancement View
1135 Apply preparatory data manipulation View
1136 Convert multispectral image into its principal components View
1138 Explain the purpose of image pre-processing View
1139 Explain an image pre-processing method View
1140 Apply Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) to reduce the number of bands in a hyperspectral image View
1141 Identify different types of noise and associated methods for their reduction View
1142 Explain the role of Gram-Schmidt vector orthogonalization in pan-sharpening View
1143 Outline the workflow for pan-sharpening an image with the PCA method View
1144 Explain how image processing and analysis methods are used to derive geospatial information from Earth observation imagery View
1145 Explain how minimum noise fraction makes use of principal components analysis for dimensionality reduction View
1146 Compare different strategies of data assimilation View
1147 Identify image fusion techniques to fill gaps in image time series caused by clouds and cloud shadow View
1148 Understand how data augmentation can improve deep learning methods for image classification View
1149 Discuss imputation methods for filling in missing data View
1150 Generate fine-scale images at a high temporal resolution with a spatio-temporal image fusion method View
1151 Explain how EO applications targeting several countries at once can profit from data harmonisation View
1152 Create an integrated population distribution map from census data and EO-based land use classification View
1153 Discuss the different types of resolution of Earth observation data View
1154 Discuss the minimum spatial resolution required for detecting single houses in a satellite image View
1155 Discuss how radiometric resolution influences the granularity of a land cover classification View
1156 Discuss how different spectral resolution of EO sensors influences their potential for vegetation mapping View
1157 Discuss the needs for high temporal resolution for analysing crop cycles in agriculture View
1158 Understand the difficulties in searching and selecting satellite images with sufficient spatial coverage for time series analysis View
1159 Discuss valid time ranges for images used for landslide mapping with pre- and post-event image comparison View
1160 Compare different error metrics that are based on the error matrix View
1161 Explain how the F-score is calculated View
1162 Explain the procedure how to collect ground reference data for an image classification View
1163 Explain how the Kappa statistics is different from the overall accuracy metric View
1164 Explain the difference between the evaluation measures of precision and recall View
1165 Explain why rapid mapping applications have high requirements in timely availability of Earth observation products View
1166 Explain how user validation ensures a high enough product quality View
1167 Understand how limited temporal completness affects the usefulness of a time series analysis View
1168 Understand the relevance of topological consistency for linear network features derived from Earth observation data View
1169 Identify critical design decisions that make an EO-derived map readable View
1170 Explain why image understanding goes beyond feature extraction View
1171 Produce a map of vegetation fraction from optical EO data View
1172 Explain the value of the leaf area index for vegetation mapping View
1173 Explain how the net primary production (NPP) can be derived from EO data View
1174 Explain how stereo-imaging enables the derivation of information about elevation View
1175 Produce a digital surface model from stereographic optical EO data View
1176 Explain why multimodal distributions in training samples should be avoided when using the maximum likelihood classifier View
1177 Produce zero-crossing maps for a DoG-filtered optical EO image View
1178 Explain sensitivity of NDVI to the chlorophyll content of vegetation View
1179 Understand the role of pruning for reducing overfitting when applying decision trees for various classification purposes View
1180 Describe the role of machine learning classifiers to find patterns in the available data View
1181 Explain the sensitivity of the Random Forests classifier to the number of trees and the number of variables used to split the tree nodes View
1182 Explain the sensitivity of SVM to hyper-parameters View
1183 Explain how the scale parameter influences the size of image segments View
1184 Apply object-based classification methods for classifying very high resolution satellite images View
1185 Explain how topological features can be used to differentiate between classes with a low inter-class variance View
1186 Understand how satellite image time series can be used for mapping, trend analysis and change detection View
1187 Understand the role of multi-temporal satellite images for identifying not only when a change occurred but also the changing drivers View
1188 Understand the way in which Dynamic Time Warping can align shifted temporal sequences View
1189 Understand the subjectivity of the visual interpretation View
1190 Explain how the interpretation keys can be used for guiding the process of visual interpretation View
1191 Explain how OGC standards can be used for sharing spatial data (including Earth Observation data) across different communities and computing infrastructures View
1192 Understand the importance of using spatially independent validation samples to assess the quality of the classification results View
1193 Manage Earth Observation data that is distributed across different computing infrastructures View
1194 Discuss limitations of the different region-based segementation methods View
1195 Discuss how low-pass filtering of an image impacts the resulting regions derived with watershed segmentation View
1196 Transform HTML documents thorugh the Document Object Model (DOM) View
1197 Develop a Javascript function that handles a GeoJSON file View
1198 Create a sample HTML5 Web page View
1199 Identify the extensions HTML5 brings over older HTML versions View
1201 Explain the advantages of satellite image time series for change detection View
1202 Recognize the importance of reproducible research as a fundamental pillar of modern science View
1203 Understand the problems associated with the lack of reproducibility View
1204 Apply a series of practices (steps and tasks) for reproducible research in different phases of a project View
1205 Use software tools to automate the practice of reproducible research in daily work View
1206 Plan a reproducibility project independently View
1207 Outline the types of geospatial software architectures View
1208 Explain the requirements that best match each geospatial software architecture View
1209 Compare geospatial software architecture through cost-analysis framework View
1210 Select the most appropriate technology to help decision-making View
1211 Deliver a resources plan consistent with organisation’s concrete actions View
1212 Explain the phases involved in a geodesign-based project View
1213 Explain what a project is, and the difference between a project, programme, and product View
1214 List the key elements of a project management View
1215 Illustrate each of the project management areas with an example of a technique or tool used View
1216 Select the most appropriate techniques for a EO*GI project View
1217 List the phases of a project management life cycle View
1218 Differentiate between copyleft and permissive licenses for a software product View
1219 Outline key tasks involved in the application, development and marketing of proprietary GIS software View
1220 Identify the viability of a proprietary GIS application View
1221 Test all functionalities and data standards for interoperability View
1222 Design a test project to demonstrate interoperability View
1223 Build functionalities and services to ensure interoperability View
1224 Define entities and relationships in conceptual data model View
1225 Understand the degree to which attributes need to be conceptually modeled View
1226 Explain the objectives of the design phase of a conceptual model View
1227 Deconstruct an application use case into its conceptual elements View
1228 Create a diagram of a conceptual data model for a geospatial application or enterprise database View
1229 Design application-specific conceptual models View
1230 Evaluate the common data models in a GIS&T project View
1231 Explain the main features and elements of Open Science View
1232 Compare the different cultures of Open Science View
1233 Identify the defining characteristics of an open geocomputation project View
1234 Understand the main software engineering methodologies View
1235 Decide which graphical representation better reflects the messages embedded in your story View
1236 Illustrate the elements of the story by proper geovisualizations View
1237 Illustrate the ways in which maps could be integrated in an infography View
1238 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of infographics as a method of displaying geographic information View
1239 Describe an example where the use of an augmented environment could be of help View
1240 Outline a process for acquiring feedback from target users throughout design and development View
1241 Explain how it is possible to retrieve atmospheric temperature and trace gases profiles form multi/iper spectral radiances View
1242 Evaluate the usability of a web map View
1243 Evaluate the usability of a hard-copy map View
1244 Assess the effective use of a web map by a set of users View
1245 Design an iterative process for evaluating the usability of (geospatial) products View
1246 Distinguish between usability, utility, and user needs in the context of geovisualizations View
1247 Compare different evaluation methods for cartography and visualization products (e.g., qualitative versus quantitative, formative versus summative studies). View
1248 Recognize spatial schemes like patterns and shapes View
1249 Arrange previously observed objects in a place View
1250 Represent an object or a scene from different viewpoints View
1251 Contrast cloud and grid computing technologies View
1252 Create conceptual, logical, and physical data models using automated software tools View
1253 Identify gaming elements which may be part of geo-games View
1254 Contrast gaming elements which are both part of traditional games and geo-games View
1255 Design a game mechanics of a geo-game View
1256 Illustrate with examples of maps or geovisualizations that could be improved by the addition of an audio layer View
1257 Outline a multivariate visual display that incorporates sounds View
1258 Explain why a layer with audio could be of interest in certain situations View
1259 Illustrate the landscape of GIS and related libraries View
1260 Assess which GIS APIs are more suitable for developing GIS applications View
1261 List which data considerations should be taken into account when starting a GIS project View
1262 Outline the importance of photographs or imagery either from satellites or at street level View
1263 Differentiate uses for different types of imagery related to earth View
1264 Differentiate between and application built with a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) or a Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) View
1265 Outline the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing framework View
1266 Outline a database with its main functionalities View
1267 Understand how map scale is used to provide the relationship of size of object on a map and its real-world size View
1268 Understand that features have been omitted or generalized for clarity View
1269 Apply spatial thinking to transform a graphical world into a real-world space View
1300 Discuss various legal aspects of public and private sectors concerning owning, controlling, sharing/ disseminating open data. View
1301 Differentiate "contracts for service" from "contracts of service" View
1302 Identify the liability implications associated with contracts View
1303 Discuss the potential legal problems associated with licensing geospatial information View
1304 Understand the nature of tort law generally and nuisance law specifically View
1305 Differentiate among contract liability, tort liability, and statutory liability View
1306 Explain cases of liability claims associated with misuse of geospatial information, erroneous information, and loss of proprietary interests View
1307 Propose strategies for managing liability risk, including disclaimers and data quality standards View
1308 Explain the legal definition of the concepts "ownership" and "property rights" View
1309 Explain organizations’ and governments’ incentives to treat geospatial information as property and arguments for and against the treatment of geospatial information as a commodity View
1310 Outline the arguments for and against the notion of information as a public good View
1311 Compare and contrast National, European policy regarding rights to geospatial data with similar policies in other countries View
1312 Explain how geospatial information might be used in a taking of private property through a government's claim of its right of eminent domain View
1313 Compare and contrast the consequences of different national policies about rights to geospatial data in terms of the real costs of spatial data, their coverage, accuracy, uncertainty, reliability, validity, and maintenance View
1314 Discuss and define open data and impact on GIS&T View
1315 Discuss various sources of open data (science, public and private sectors) View
1316 Discuss of arguments for and against open data View
1317 Discuss about open data impact on society and citizenship View
1319 Discuss the role of the public and private sectors in producing and dissemination of geospatial information View
1320 Discuss the legal framework related to competition and public-private sector relationships in the geospatial domain View
1321 Discuss of opportunities for exchange of geospatial data between public and private sector to enable more efficient analysis View
1322 Discuss about the general role of information in economics View
1326 Discuss of implications of unequal economic power on the kinds of organizations that use, and benefits from, GIS&T View
1328 Discuss about the extent to which external costs and benefits enhance the economic case for GIS View
1329 Explain how profit considerations have shaped the evolution of GIS&T View
1330 Outline the elements of a business case that justifies an organization's investment in an enterprise geospatial information infrastructure View
1332 Explain how cost-benefit analyses can be manipulated View
1333 Compare and contrast the evaluation of benefits at different scales (e.g., national, regional/state,local) true for an organization that is already collecting data as part of its regular operations View
1334 Outline the categories of costs that an organization should anticipate as it plans to design and implement a GIS View
1335 Outline sources of additional costs associated with development of an enterprise GIS View
1336 Distinguish between operational, organizational, and societal activities that rely upon geospatial Information View
1337 Discuss of relations between marketing and economical factors in sustainable/environmental issues by using geospatial information View
1338 Discuss of and define the process of the Information value chain View
1339 Identify practical problems in defining and measuring the value of geospatial information in land or other business decisions View
1342 Explain how cost-benefit analyses can be manipulated View
1343 Compare and contrast the evaluation of benefits at different scales (e.g., national, regional/state,local) View
1344 Explain how the saying "developing data is the largest single cost of implementing GIS" could be true for an organization that is already collecting data as part of its regular operations View
1345 Discuss over the argument that the use of Geospatial geospatial Information privileges certain views of the world over others. View
1346 Identify alternatives to the "algorithmic way of thinking" that characterizes use of geospatial Information. View
1347 Discuss critiques of GIS as "deterministic" technology in relation to debates about the Quantitative quantitative revolution in the discipline of geography. View
1348 Indicate the extent to which contemporary use of geospatial information supports diverse ways of understanding the world. View
1349 Discuss the implications of interoperability on ontology View
1350 Discuss over the various implications of surveillance technology View
1352 Discuss about "mapping whose reality?" Pros and cons of geoinformation sharing in social media, i.e. big data, "digital shadow" etc. View
1353 Discuss about open data and data sharing and public/private sector View
1354 Discuss over the changing role of the private sector in the use of geospatial information View
1356 Develop GI infrastructure with a the role in the private sector View
1357 Research and develop geospatial information for the private sector View
1358 Demonstrate relationships between research and education, private/public sectors, and citizens View
1359 Discuss over the paradigm shifts and current trends in GIS&T education and pedagogical approaches for GIS teaching and learning in detail View
1363 Discuss how to approach the widening audience/participants for geospatial products and service, increasing geo-awareness and geo-enablement View
1364 Discuss ways of working with crowdsourcing in education and research View
1365 Discuss the role of public, private sector and citizens in facilitating geospatial information in environmental/sustainable issues. View
1366 Discuss legal aspects of access to environmental data, global change/warming or sustainable development (regional, national, global) in conjunction to society. View
1367 Define and understand citizenship, democracy, maturity, and negotiation related to geo information use and participation in society /community development (at local, regional, national level) View
1368 Differentiate among universal/deliberative, pluralist/representative, and participatory models of citizen participation View
1369 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of group participation and individual participation View
1372 Illustrate an example of "local knowledge" that is unlikely to be represented in the geospatial data maintained routinely by government agencies View
1373 Explain how community organizations represent the interests of citizens, politicians, and specialists View
1375 Define and discuss impacts of crowdsourcing on geospatial society View
1376 Discuss the impact of geospatial information for the development of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Wikimapia, Flickr etc.) becoming increasingly location-based View
1377 Discuss the role and value of "place" and "space" for geo media based social networking View
1378 Differentiate between consumption, analysis, presumption and production of geoinformation within digital geo media View
1379 Define and discuss volunteered geographic information View
1380 Define and discuss enabling technologies: geotag, georeferencing, GPS and more View
1381 Discuss positive and negative aspects of the term "humans as sensors" View
1382 Apply domains and roles regarding geoinformation use in society: "spatial information systems manager", "spatial analyst", "spatial citizen" View
1383 Define and discussing impact of Crowdsourcing on Geospatial Society View
1384 Define Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and identify main elements of it View
1385 Discuss consensus based interoperability and its relation to geospatial data interchange. Define what a Web Service (WS) is and present characteristic scenarios. Data serving and Data Processing WSs View
1386 Define the characteristics of web services and present some examples View
1387 Define Web services transport over the Web View
1388 Describe generally the hypertext transfer protocol and its main operations like POST and GET View
1389 Identify design issues of SOAP web services; fine grained and coarse grained services, design patterns View
1390 Define characteristics of REST Web services and Resource oriented Architecture (ROA) View
1391 Differentiate between SOAP and REST Web services. - Identify design issues of REST Web services View
1392 Discuss the issue whether a service is really "RESTful" or not View
1393 Define Web Map Service (WMS). Describe GetCapabilities, GetMap, and GetFeatureInfo operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case View
1394 Define Web Feature Service (WFS). Describe GetCapabilities, DescribeFeaturetype, and GetFeature, and GetFeatureInfo operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case View
1395 Define Web Coverage Service (WCS). Describe GetCapabilities, GetCoverageInfo, and GetCoverage operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case View
1396 Define Web Processing Service (WPS). Describe GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess, and Execute operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case View
1397 Define Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). Describe GetCapabilities, GetTile, and GetFeatureInfo operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case View
1398 Define and practice the usage, in a given use case, of StyledLayerDescriptor (SLD) and Symbology Encoding (SE). Practice their usage in a given use case View
1399 Interpret generally the main components and functionality of "Web Application Frameworks" such as AngularJS, Ext.js, Django, Java Server Faces (JSF), and the like View
1401 Illustrate basic radiation-matter interactions and related concepts of spectral reflectance, absorbance and transmittance as specific properties of the matter View
1402 Illustrate basic features of spectral signatures of vegetation, water and bare soil View
1403 Illustrate the importance of the choice of the satellite orbit for the design of a satellite mission devoted to specific applications View
1404 Demonstrate the relationships among measured multi-spectral radiation and specific chemical (e.g. composition) and physical (e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.) properties of the observed matter. View
1405 Illustrate the concept of spectral signatures of the matter View
1406 Illustrate basic modern physics theory understanding their implications on the development of advanced sensors for EO View
1407 Illustrate the interaction of e.m. radiation in the thermal infrared with the atmosphere understanding specifc characteristics of radiative transfer in this specific spectral region. View
1408 Explain the concept of composition of spectral signatures and apply the "linear mixing" models in some simple case View
1409 Illustrate and apply basic concepts of Atmospheric Physics to EO science and its applications View
1410 Illustrate the concept of spectral emissivity and brigthness temperature and compute them in some simple real case View
1411 Discuss the structure and chemical composition of the atmosphere View
1412 Demonstrate basic knowledge of the interaction between the solar radiation and atmospheric constituents View
1413 Discuss the basic principles of solar radiation. View
1414 Demonstrate basic knowledge of the atmospheric absorption and scattering mechanisms. View
1415 Relate to the aspects of radiation transfer through the atmosphere. View
1416 Produce the processes of spectral calculations of radiometric quantities by the line by line radiative transfer models View
1417 Estimate the meteorological and the cloud optical properties by LBRTM and validate against high accuracy spectral measurements View
1418 Discuss the processes that describe the hydrologic cycle View
1419 Illustrate the transferring of Energy within the Earth-Atmosphere System View
1420 Illustrate e.m. radiation intercations with/within clouds. View
1421 Illustrate main spectral signatures of clouds and apply them in paractical cloud-detection exercise View
1422 Describe Electromagnetic Waves in terms of Photons View
1423 Describe how Maxwell's equation explain EM waves' propagation View
1424 Explain how Planck function and Wien law can help to characterize blackbodies' emission View
1425 Explain in wich spectral regions the Rayleigh-Jeans and Wien's approximations of the Planck function better work View
1426 Derive the Stefan-Boltzman Law from the Planck's one View
1427 Explain the impact of Kirchoff's Law on the measurements of spectral emissivity of opaque bodies View
1428 Describe solar structure View
1429 Describe the main spectral components of solar radiation at the top of atmosphere View
1430 Describe the main branch of physycs relevant to the study of e.m. radiation and its interaction with the matter in the optical range View
1431 Illustrate the nature of electromagnetic radiation View
1432 Illustrate the importance of Earth's emitted radiation for EO from space View
1433 Illustrate the main forms of radiation-matter interaction View
1434 Illustrate the main energetic transictions that can be associated to molecular absorption of e.m. radiation View
1435 Describe the main sources of spectral line broadening View
1436 Illustrate how the Voigt's line profile is related to the Doppler and pressure line broadening contributes View
1437 Illustrate the concept of grey body View
1438 Describe how the complex part of the refractive index affects the propagation of e.m. radiation through the matter View
1439 Describe the concept of attenuation length View
1440 Discuss the change of attenuation length moving from visible to the microwave range and from sea water to solid land surfaces View
1441 Describe the scattering properties of a lambertian surface View
1442 Illustrate how the Rayleigh criterion can help to characterize surfaces' scattering properties in relation with their roughness and wavelength of the incident radiation View
1443 Describe under which conditions the Beer-Bouguert-Lambert Law well approximates the general radiative transfer equation- View
1444 Illustrate why we refer to the BRDF as an absolute definition of spectral reflectance View
1445 Illustrate how it is possible to estimate the BRDF of a sample through measurements of BRF View
1446 Describe what EM sensing means View
1447 Define the radiometric spectral quantities radiance, irradiance, flux View
1448 Define the radiometric spectral quantities brightness, emittance, luminosity View
1449 Illustrate the decay of the emittance with the distance from the source View
1450 Describe the spectral regions where Mineral and Rocks exhibit their main signatures View
1451 Illustrate the main differences among passive and active remote sensing techniques View
1452 Illustrate the scope Radiative Transfer theory View
1453 Illustrate the general equation of radiative transfer. View
1454 Illustrate the concept of Cross Section of Extinction per Mass Unit View
1455 Illustrate the concept of Absorption Coefficient View
1456 Illustrate the concept of Source Function View
1457 Illustrate the concept of Cross Section of Extinction per Mass Unit View
1458 Illustrate scope and conditions of validity of Schwarzshild equation. View
1459 Illustrate of the concept of optical path View
1460 Illustrate of the concept of optical thickness View
1461 Describe under which conditions Mie scattering occurs in the Earth's Atmosphere View
1462 Describe under which conditions Rayleigh Scattering in the Earth's Atmosphere occurs View
1463 Illustrate how cloud presence complicate radiative transfer description in Earth's atmosphere View
1464 Illustrate the concepts of Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion of the light View
1465 Illustrate the concepts of Interference and Diffraction View
1466 Describe how a Michelson interferometer make it possible to measure the emitted Earth radiation with hyperspectral resolution. View
1467 Illustrate the role of the principle of constant speed of light within the special relativity theory View
1468 Describe atmospheric transmittance in the optical spectral range View
1469 Illustrate the main atmospherical spectral windows View
1470 Illustrate the Greenhouse effect associate to CO2 emission View
1471 Describe the concept of thermodynamic temperature View
1472 Describe the main state functions of ideal gases View
1473 Illustrate the First Law of Thermodynamic View
1474 Illustrate the Second Law of Thermodynamic View
1475 Describe the different payload capabilities of polar and geostationary platforms View
1476 Illustrate the Helmotz’s equation View
1477 Describe the impact of geometrical optics on optical sensors design View
1478 Describe the impact of the theory of interference on the development of modern satellite hyperspectral sounders View
1479 Describe the impact of theory of diffraction and grating spectrometers on the development of modern satellite hyperspectral sounders View
1480 Describe the impact of Einstein’s theory of radiation on the design of modern devices for the measurements and/or production of coherent light View
1481 Illustrate the importance of electric conduction in solids for the design and development of advanced EO sensors View
1482 Illustrate possible noise sources related to photovoltaic and photoconductive detectors View
1483 Describe the process of light scattering by atmospheric particulates View
1484 Describe the process of water vapour cloud formation View
1485 Describe the adiabatic decrease of tropospheric temperature with the heigth View
1486 Describe the scope of thermodynamics View
1487 Illustrate the concept of "kinetic temperature" in absence of thermodynamic equilibrium View
1488 Illustrate the ideal gas law View
1489 Ilustrate the state function of the condensed gas phase View
1490 Describe the fundamental thermodynamic processes (isothermal, adiabatic, isochoric, isobaric) View
1491 Illustrate the role of Eulerian and Lagrangian models in budget equations definition View
1492 Describe the scope of irreversible thermodynamics View
1493 Describe under what conditions adiabatic processes of homogeneous system occur View
1494 Illustrate the utility of thermodynamic diagrams for the study of local atmospheric properties View
1495 Describe the relevance of mechanics laws in the framework of EO satellite mission design and planning View
1496 Illustrate the factors limiting lifetime of satellites on their originally planned orbits View
1497 Describe the concept of spectral emissivity View
1498 Describe how the Rayleigh criterion help to discriminate radiation mirroring (or diffusion) for selected surfaces and wavelengths View
1499 Explain why passive EO sensors with the highest spectral or spatial resolution operate in the VIS/NIR spectral region View
1500 Explain and outline the advantages of radar sensors View
1501 Explain how radar images are used for specific applications View
1502 Explain differences between optical and radar remote sensing View
1503 Explain what microwave remote sensing is View
1504 Explain what soil permittivity is View
1505 Explain how the soil permittivity influences radar signal View
1506 Explain what properties of microwave electromagnetic spectrum are recorded View
1507 Explain how the microwave signal is detected View
1508 Explain what active-passive microwave imaging is View
1509 Explain the principles of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry View
1510 Explain principles of permanent/persistent scatterer interferometry View
1511 State application examples of PSI methods View
1512 Apply PSI method View
1513 Explain differences between DInSAR and PSI View
1514 Explain what the ground range and azimuth resolution are View
1515 Calculate ground rage resolution View
1516 Explain and discuss elements of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) geometric configuration View
1517 Explain principles of passive microwave imaging View
1518 Explain why spatial resolution of passive radar system is much lower than that of active systems View
1519 State and explain Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) geometric distortions View
1520 Explain and discuss what terrain reflectivity is and how it influences radar signal View
1521 Explain the fundamentals of Differential SAR Interferometry View
1522 Discuss advantages of SAR techniques over traditional measuring techniques View
1523 Discuss limitations of interferometric measurement View
1524 State the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum View
1525 State the typical used radar bands and their application View
1526 Discuss types and classes of remote sensing sensors View
1527 Select the type of remote sensing sensor appropriate for your application View
1528 Explain and discuss types of sensing mechanisms View
1529 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of passive and active sensors View
1530 State types of polarisations used in remote sensing View
1531 Discuss the use of polarization for different application domains View
1532 Explain principles of imaging radar View
1533 Discuss the application possibilities of imaging radar View
1534 Discuss orientational polarisation of media View
1535 Discuss the polarimetry technique View
1536 Explain and discuss the LiDAR technology View
1537 State and explain different SAR acquisition modes View
1538 Discuss main characteristics of digital imagery View
1539 Explain what the picture element is View
1540 Explain what the digital number is View
1541 Distinguish and explain the different types of properties of digital imagery View
1542 Explain and discuss what the spectral resolution is View
1543 Explain and discuss what the spatial resolution is View
1544 Explain and discuss what the radiometric resolution is View
1545 Explain and discuss what the temporal resolution is View
1546 Explain and discuss what the main processing levels of remote sensing data are View
1547 Discuss the development of remote sensing sensors View
1548 Discuss different types of satellite orbits View
1549 Discuss the main types of remote sensing sensors View
1550 Discuss the main types of remote sensing platforms View
1551 Discuss the main types of remote sensing data View
1552 Create a project plan for a map, from planning to finalisation View
1553 List the main variables to take into account during the planning phase of a map View
1554 Plan the creation of a map according to a given audience View
1555 Understand how the representation of geographic data facilitates visual communication View
1556 Select the most suitable graphic representation for a targeted audience View
1557 Select the most suitable graphic representation for a given set of data View
1558 Distinguish between different graphic representation techniques View
1559 Design an interactive web map View
1560 Outline a map layout taking into account design principles View
1561 Understand how graphic representations can be interpreted distinctively by culturally different audiences View
1562 Assess the effective understanding of a map by a set of users View
1563 Create different visual hierarchies to produce maps with different purposes View
1564 Identify examples of static, animated, and interactive web maps View
1565 Distinguish between animated and interactive maps View
1566 Apply appropriate terrain representation based on their relative pros and cons View
1567 Design a stylized terrain map from a digital elevation model (DEM) View
1568 Use appropriate interpolation techniques to derive DEMs from point data View
1569 Discuss and compare different types of processing levels of SAR data View
1570 Select the appropriate SAR data type for the application View
1571 State different types of processing levels of SAR data View
1572 Discuss and compare different types of processing levels of optical data View
1573 Select the appropriate optical data type for the application View
1574 Explain the laser scanner technology View
1575 Discuss different types of laser scanners View
1576 Explain what the phase in remote sensing means and in what units is expressed View
1577 Discuss how to use phase information in remote sensing View
1578 Explain what the mathematical description of the phase is View
1579 Explain and apply phase unwrapping View
1580 Explain what the attenuation length and penetration depth are View
1581 Compare and discuss attenuation length and penetration depth of the optical and radar signal View
1582 Explain and discuss surface roughness in microwave remote sensing View
1583 Recognize different types of surface roughness on a radar image View
1584 Discuss what surface height variation (or RMS height) is View
1585 Discuss what horizontal roughness component (correlation legth) is View
1586 Explain surface correlation function View
1587 Model surface roughness slope View
1588 Discuss scale of roughness of microwaves View
1589 Explain scattering matrix View
1590 Construct scattering matrix View
1591 Explain covariance and coherence matrix View
1592 Explain Stokes vector View
1593 Apply covariance and coherence matrix View
1594 Discuss polarimetric decomporition techniques View
1595 Apply polarimetric decomporition techniques View
1596 Explain polarimetric coherences View
1597 Explain polarisation ellipse View
1598 Apply Jones vector formalism View
1599 Explain the concept of polarisation synthesis View
1600 Explain one biophysical parameter and the EO technologies to estimate it for a specific region of interest View
1601 Explain how a DSM differs from a DTM View
1602 Explain one of the EO methods that allow DEM generation View
1603 Explain how the DEM generation with SfM works and discuss its differences to the traditional method of DEM extraction with stereographic photogrammetry View
1604 Apply k-Means clustering to an image to extract spectrally homogeneous clusters View
1605 Compare results of the Laplacian of Gaussian filter to the original input image View
1699 Describe the concept of Kinetic Temperature View
1700 Understand the diverse set of EO technologies that are capable of mapping different landslide aspects View
1701 Explain the capabilities and limitations of a particular EO technology for mapping landslides View
1702 Compare one optical EO method with a SAR method for landslide mapping and explain their differences View
1703 Explain why the use of multiple EO sensors for mapping landslides associated with one triggering event increases the completeness of a landslide inventory View
1704 Explain the quality criteria where EO technologies differ from each other in their capabilities to detect, monitor and forecast landslides View
1705 Design and test an EO-based workflow for landslide mapping View
1706 Explain the application of EO information for monitoring urban sprawl View
1707 Explain how the CORINE Land Cover product quality depends on its source EO data and how this affects its usage for regional planning. View
1708 Choose a viable strategy for operations in the field of managed living ressources View
1709 Apply the output of EO/GI tools to decisions in everyday operations View
1710 Choose a viable strategy for farming operations View
1711 Understand the health of the crop, extent of infestation or stress damage, or potential yield and soil conditions View
1712 Choose a viable strategy for fishing operations View
1713 Understand the health of the fishing grounds View
1714 Choose a viable strategy for forest operations View
1715 Understand the health of the forests View
1716 Develop strategies and policies for energy and mineral resources View
1717 Plan and design project implementations in the field of energy and mineral resources View
1718 Analyse and understand environmental impact / consequences View
1719 Plan and design alternative energy project implementations View
1720 Plan and design oil & gas project implementations View
1721 Plan and design mineral & mining project implementations View
1722 Use EO/GI information to plan and design projects, monitor and assess the environment, support decision-making processes, and to tackle environmental challenges View
1723 Monitor changes in infrastructure View
1724 Assess environmental impact of human activities View
1725 Monitor building development View
1726 Detect land movement, subsidence, heave View
1727 Monitor pollution in rivers and lakes View
1728 Assess changes in the carbon balance View
1729 Monitor land pollution View
1730 Assess changes to urban and rural areas View
1731 Assess and monitor water quality View
1732 Assess ground water and run-off View
1733 Map line of sight visibility (terrain height, land cover) View
1734 Monitor transportation routes View
1735 Monitor shipping routes View
1736 Interpret land cover change detection View
1737 Monitor and assess natural hazards View
1738 Assess crop damage due to storms View
1739 Assess damage from earthquakes, detect and monitor wildfires View
1740 Map and assess flooding View
1741 Assess and forecast landslides View
1742 Interpret location based services (LBS) View
1743 Manage the use of land View
1744 Demonstrate impacts of land use change View
1745 Identify high risk areas produced naturally or by humans View
1746 Identify border incursions or maritime movements View
1747 Develop monitoring to evaluate and deliver policy goals View
1748 Assess ecosystems View
1749 Identify rapid response to major environmental risk events View
1750 Identify rapid response to events associated with health security & care View
1751 Evaluate citizen-driven observations View
1752 Forecast and monitor ocean winds and waves View
1755 Evaluate the impact of the climate change View
1756 Identify impact of a flood View
1757 Assess areas threatened by wildfires View
1758 Identify geotectonic shifts View
1759 Identify geological features View
1760 Compare glacier extents using EO data View
1761 Calculate the water depth in coastal areas View
1762 Analyse the strength of a hurricane View
1763 Identify wake trailing to detect ships using EO data View
1764 Identify sea-ice or icebergs using EO data View
1765 Analyse and classify different land covers View
1766 Use NDVI to estimate the vegetation cover View
1767 Combine different bands to calculate NDVI View
1768 Detect and monitor oil slicks View
1769 Create new EO products out of raw data or other products View
1770 Apply methods that assign labels to objects or locations in a field View
1771 Apply a cloud mask to optical EO data View
1772 Apply a semi-automated search to detect man-made objects like buildings or ships View
1773 Develop an event map based on a time-series analysis View
1774 Interpret information from EO products or EO time series View
1775 Understand how the tracking of moving objects is implemented View
1776 Interpret the output of an point cloud measurement View
1777 Analyse the ice shield loss due to melting View
1778 Analyse vector fields to determine wind directions View
1779 Determine object movement by comparing subsequent images View
1780 Relate EO measurements with detected features View
1781 Produce forecasts for flood risk areas View
1782 Identify construction sites View
1783 Use 3D textured models to present study area View
1784 Decide on urban planning measures on the basis of a semantic 3D model View
1785 Illustrate the information of EO data View
1786 Interpret the content of EO data View
1787 Understand the technology behind LiDAR as an active sensor and what makes it different from the other existing Remote Sensing approaches View
1788 Develop thorough understanding of the complex process from collecting the LiDAR data to generation of the final modeled outputs View
1789 Enable citizen skills spatially View
1790 Demonstrate multidisciplinarity, combining GISciences, Social Sciences, Smart Cities, Computational Sciences and Social Media View
1791 Develop sense of space View
1800 Interpret generally the functionality offered by "portal frameworks" land Geoportals like Geonetwork, Opengeoportal, Esri geoportal server, Degree portal, Liferay, Jboss portal View
1801 Identify differences, advantages and disadvantages of web application framework based and portal framework based web applications from the geospatial data perspective View
1802 Indicate generally how "NSDI-requiring-scenarios"would be handled by web application framework based applications View
1803 Explain how JSON (GeoJSON)`s "schema-less"structure may be transformed into an application schema View
1804 Identify the need for and main issues in spatial data interchange View
1805 Identify the main components of OGC Filter encoding and compare it to SQL View
1806 Practically apply getting data from a WFS and integrate it into a client application View
1807 Practically apply getting data from a WCS and integrate it into a client application View
1808 Demonstrate the usage of popular ETL tools in an NSDI scenario View
1809 Define web services composition (WSC) concept and identify main issues View
1810 Define Web API composition (WAPIC) concept for RESTful WSs and identify main issues View
1811 Apply a WSC for a certain use case in Taverna workbench using OGC WPS services View
1812 Define OGC Simple Features Access Schema. Well-Known Text (WKT) and Well-Known Binary (WKB) representations of Geometry View
1813 interpret GML data model and GML definition of geometry. GML application schemas and GML documents View
1814 Define spatial extensions that GeoSPARQL brings over SPARQL. Identify the difference between qualitative spatial reasoning and quantitative spatial computations View
1815 Define GeoJSON definition of Geospatial objects and describe the structure of a GeoJSON document and identify advantages and disadvantages of representing the same geospatial data in GML and in GeoJSON View
1816 Compare different Geospatial object and geometry definitions included under this topic View
1817 Define Resource Description Framework (RDF), its RDF graphs, RDF Schema (RDF-S)and a data set in RDF View
1818 Explain Web Ontology Language (OWL) and how to define a data set in OWL DL View
1819 Identify virtues of defining a given data set in both RDF and OWL, and compare semantic richness of both definitions View
1820 Define Semantic Web and identify the role of the languages included under this topic for Semantic Web View
1821 Identify the relation between OWL-S and WSDL and give an overview of Semantic Web service definition in OWL-S View
1822 Define the components of a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document View
1823 Use Web services description for RESTful web services, Web Application Description Language (WADL) and its use View
1824 Define what an ontology is. Identify differences among ontologies, Thesauri, and taxonomies View
1825 Differentiate between upper, domain, and application level ontologies View
1826 Identify issues in the development of geospatial ontologies. Criticise the role of ontology development methodologies and ontology evaluation in the development of ontologies View
1827 Define and exemplify the reuse of ontologies - Define and identify the role of ontology patterns View
1828 Explain how analytical methods are used to derive analytical results from geospatial data View
1829 Differentiate among the concepts of scale (as in map scale), support, scope, and resolution View
1830 Determine the mathematical relationships among scale, scope, and resolution View
1831 Defend or refute the statement "GIS data are scaleless" View
1832 Discuss the implications of tradeoff between data detail and data volume View
1833 Select a level of data detail and accuracy appropriate for a particular application (e.g., viewshed analysis, continental land cover change) View
1834 Understand the benefits of publishing and using open data View
1835 Explain what open data and the main principles of open data are View
1836 Publish a dataset as open data View
1837 Determine if a dataset can be considered as open data View
1838 Compare and explain different models for funding an SDI View
1839 Describe and explain the funding model of an existing SDI View
1840 Explain the impact of open data policies on SDI funding models View
1841 Explain why the process "dissolve and merge" often follows vector overlay operations View
1842 Explain what is meant by the term "planar enforcement" View
1843 Outline the possible sources of error in overlay operations View
1844 Exemplify applications in which overlay is useful, such as site suitability analysis View
1845 Compare and contrast the concept of overlay as it is implemented in raster and vector domains View
1846 Demonstrate how the geometric operations of intersection and overlay can be implemented in GIS View
1847 Demonstrate why the georegistration of datasets is critical to the success of any map overlay operation View
1848 Formalize the operation called map overlay using Boolean logic View
1849 Explain in which cases digitizing is a relevant data production technique View
1850 Develop a strategy to improve the performance of an SDI initiative View
1851 Explain what SDI governance is and why it is important in the development and implementation of SDIs View
1852 Discuss the governance structure in place of a particular country View
1853 Design an effective governance structure for a national SDI View
1854 Explain the main objectives of an SDI View
1855 Identify and discuss the different components of an SDI View
1856 Use the models of ‘SDI generations’ and ‘SDI components’ to describe the main elements of an existing SDI initiative View
1857 Explain the relevant legal and organizational issues around development and implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) View
1858 Explain the relevant technological issues around development and implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) View
1859 Explain the different steps in the geo-information value chain View
1860 Apply the geo-information value chain approach to an existing geo-information process View
1861 Identify and explain the different actors and their roles in the geo-information value chain View
1862 Explain what a business model is and how is used View
1863 Apply a business model framework to identify the different components of a business model in the GI domain View
1864 Compare and explain the main business models in the GI domain View
1865 Explain the business model of an organization in the GI domain View
1866 Explain semantic annotation of data and services View
1867 Solve issues in determining what ontologies to use for semantic annotation View
1868 Identify issues in developing new ontologies for geospatial data View
1869 Define Mapping between legacy definition and the semantic definition of publish View
1870 Indicate an architecture and tools for organizing semantically annotated data View
1871 Illustrate stages of publishing a relational database as Linked Data View
1872 Identify issues in finding proper ontologies to annotate the data View
1873 Identify issues in determining the relationships to be represented when publishing Linked Data View
1874 Relate with manual and automated methods linking data View
1875 Apply publishing a relational database as Linked Data View
1876 Identify main issues in "keyword-based" discovery of data and services View
1877 Demonstrate how to discover over a catalogue service; and the discovery procedure in OGC CS-W View
1878 Perform discovery over some popular SDI (NSDI) portals like INSPIRE and GOS geoportals View
1879 Use "Full-text-based" discovery; open source and commercial search engines, its use in GI related applications View
1880 Semantic Discovery and its main components. Identify the areas of its use for GI related applications View
1881 Identify the main concepts of reasoning and architectural components of Reasoners View
1882 Identify main issues in Semantic discovery View
1883 Indicate some examples of semantic discovery; Semantic search engines, highlighting projects and practice concerning GI related applications in the area View
1884 Describe Querying Linked Data; SPARQL and GeoSPARQL View
1885 Describe Linked Data Browsers; Define Faceted browsers and identify what problems of linked data discovery they aim to solve View
1886 Use Natural language based discovery over linked data View
1887 Compare Linked geospatial data to SDI approaches View
1888 Identify whether Full-automated WSC has still a value in it concerning both where we stand today on the road to 'Semantic Web' and unresolved problems in the area, which are the problems of Artificial Intelligence indeed View
1889 Indicate main elements of HTML5 View
1890 Identify building blocks of Javascript programming language View
1891 Understand the importance of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to separate content from style in HMTL documents View
1892 Outline the use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for client-side graphic processing View
1893 Examine the Document Object Model (DOM) in HTML documents View
1894 Identify main elements and functionality Google maps, describe some of its most popular API operations and how they are employed View
1895 Identify main components and functionality of Openlayers library, describe its main functions and how they are employed View
1896 Identify main components and functionality of Leaflet library, describe its main functions and how they are employed View
1897 Identify main elements and functionality Mapbox, describe some of its most popular API operations and how they are employed View
1898 Indicate an overview of OpenStreetMap and define its general functionality, comment its usage by Web APIs View
1899 Provide examples of cases in which crouwdsourcing is the most effective data collection method View
1900 Define metadata and identify metadata standards like ISO 19115 and 19119 describe their metadata schema generally View
1901 Differentiate between a metadata standard and a metadata profile View
1902 Identify the aspects of selecting keywords which would characterize the data properly View
1903 Identify the issues in mapping between different metadata standards. Also identify the roles of thesauri and crosswalks View
1904 Review briefly INSPIRE Metadata handling Scheme View
1905 Identify main components of manual metadata creation software tools View
1906 Demonstrate harvesting and crawling mechanisms for automated metadata collection View
1907 Apply harvesting using GeoNetwork Open Source tool View
1908 Demonstrate publishing in some popular SDI (NSDI) portals like INSPIRE and GOS geoportals View
1909 Examine Metadata schema and vocabularies used for open data publishing View
1910 Use open data APIs that enable the usage of Open data; identify design aspects and usage scenarios View
1911 Describe the basic forms of generalization used in applications in addition to cartography (e.g., selection, simplification) View
1912 Discuss the possible effects on topological integrity of generalizing data sets View
1913 Explain why areal generalization is more difficult than line simplification View
1914 Explain the logic of the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm View
1915 Explain the pitfalls of using data generalized for small scale display in a large scale application View
1916 Design an experiment that allows one to evaluate the effect of traditional approaches of cartographic generalization on the quality of digital data sets created from analog originals View
1917 Evaluate various line simplification algorithms by their usefulness in different applications View
1918 Apply open data publishing using CKAN Open source tool View
1919 Explain what is meant by "Odata" (Open data Protocol), an OASIS standard View
1920 Identify the technical aspects that open data paradigm would affect concerning Spatial Data Infrastructures including NSDIs View
1921 Identify a variety of likely measurement level transformations (e.g., the classification of ratio data yields ordinal data) View
1922 Discuss the relationship of attribute measurement levels to database query operations View
1923 Describe the pitfalls, in terms of information loss and analytical options, of transforming attribute measurement levels View
1924 Reclassify (group) a nominal attribute domain to fewer, broader classes View
1925 Reclassify a raster before converting it into a vector file View
1931 Explain the main differences between image orthorectification, geo-referencing, and co-registration View
1932 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of analytical and physical-based models for orthorectification View
1933 Understand the underlying assumptions for spatial stochastics process View
1934 Explain the need for the stationarity assumption View
1935 Explain the different forms of kriging View
1936 Ability to define elements and requirements of the spatial weight matrix View
1937 Identify the different methods for constructing spatial weigh matrix View
1938 Compare the different types of spatial weight matrices View
1939 Understand the assumption under which spatial autocorrelation may occur View
1940 Identify different measures of spatial autocorrelation View
1941 Understand the assumption under which spatial autocorrelation may occur View
1942 Explain the difference between local and global measures of spatial autocorrelation View
1943 Identify different measures of spatial autocorrelation View
1944 Explain the advantage of Bayesian methods over frequentist methods View
1945 Understand different estimation methods for Bayesian models View
1946 Convert vector data to raster format and back using the GIS software View
1947 Compare the result of conversion vector/raster or raster/vector and examine the impact of conversion on the quality of the dataset View
1948 Understand and examine the common methods for raster resampling View
1949 Explain the impact of the applied resampling method on the quality of the output dataset View
1950 Convert a dataset from the native format of one GIS product to another View
1951 Describe the workflow for converting data from one data model to another View
1952 Identify the conceptual and practical difficulties associated with data model and format conversion View
1953 Understand various formats of storing raster and vector data View
1954 Illustrate the main use of spatial clustering in earth observation View
1955 Identify a clustering method which does not require the number of clusters as input View
1956 Explain the advantage of the cokriging method in earth observation studies View
1957 Explain the advantage of the cokriging method in earth observation studies View
1958 Explain how reclassification can be used for data simplification and measurement scale change View
1959 Explain how buffers can be used in GI analysis View
1960 Apply basic query operations on a dataset View
1961 Compare models and software tools that allow for optimization View
1962 Apply analytical methods to solve spatial problems View
1963 Assess which geometric operations are suitable for raster and vector data sets. View
1964 Demonstrate how map algebra can be used to combine tow raster images. View
1965 Compare the basic analytical operations of different GISs. View
1966 Explain the difference between Generalized multidimensional scaling and Classical multidimensional scaling. View
1967 Compare methods of spatial statistical analysis for the testing of hypotheses. View
1968 Classify common models for spatial regression analysis. View
1969 Explain in which cases representation transformation is needed. View
1970 Discuss implications of data loss in the case of generalisation of spatial data. View
1971 Explain how graph theory plays a role in network analysis. View
1972 Describe how conceptual foundations of GI Science have become implemented in GISs. View
1973 Compare relationships between entities, between attributes and between locations. View
1974 Discuss the importance of space, time, properties, and categories as fundamentals in the conceptualization and representation of spatial entities. View
1975 Explain Tobler's first law of geography. View
1976 Explain how spatial analysis is dependent explicitly on the borders of study fields. View
1977 Distinguish between metaphysics and epistemology. View
1978 Distinguish between continuants and occurrents in relation with spatial phenomena. View
1979 Relate epistemology to spatial knowledge. View
1980 Recommend for what applications we should use a field or an object-base approach. View
1981 Illustrate how fields, such as geography, cartography, computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, philosophy, cognitive science, and linguistics have their influence on GI science. View
1982 Explain which technologies have an impact on GI science. View
1983 Explain from which scientific fields GIS&T borrows ideas. View
1984 Explain how linguistics play a role in GI science. View
1985 Explain the role of metaphors and image schemata in our understanding of geographic phenomena and geographic tasks. View
1986 Differentiate between formal and natural language in GI science applications. View
1987 Discuss the difference between vagueness and uncertainty. View
1988 Classify the main knowledge domains of GI Science and Earth observation. View
1989 Discuss the synergy between processes in geo-information systems and earth observation systems. View
1990 Decide which generalisation technique (aggregation, selection, etc.) is best for a specific situation of reducing map scale. View
1991 Distinguish between transformation methods for raster and vector representations. View
1992 Explain how Representation transformations are related to spatial data quality. View
2000 Explain radargrammetry technique View
2001 Apply radargrammetry technique View
2002 Apply InSAR technique View
2003 Apply DInSAR method View
2004 Explain along-track interferometry technique View
2005 Explain across-track interferometry technique View
2006 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of across- and along-track interferometry View
2007 Explain SBAS technique View
2008 Apply SBAS technique View
2009 Explain and discuss the complex elements of a radar signal View
2010 Explain what the phasor represents View
2011 Explain what the azimuth direction is View
2012 Explain and discuss what the range direction is View
2013 Explain what an incident angle is View
2014 Discuss how the angle of SAR signal incidence affects SAR acquisition View
2015 Explain and discuss what the foreshortening is View
2016 Produce a geometrically corrected SAR image View
2017 Explain and discuss what the layover is View
2018 Explain and discuss what the shadow in SAR acquisition means View
2019 Explain and discuss the SAR acquisition mode staring spotlight View
2020 Explain and discuss the SAR acquisition mode spotlight View
2021 Explain what a data cube is View
2022 Explain and discuss the concept of Big Data in the field of Earth Observation View
2023 State examples of image description files used in Earth Observation View
2024 Explain and discuss the development of remote sensing data carriers View
2025 Discuss and compare different types of interactions of microwaves with matter View
2026 Explain the relationship between the material constant and the interaction of microwaves with the object View
2027 Plan an Earth observation mission objectives and priorities in response to user expectations, taking into account type of application, type of sensor, expected accuracy View
2028 Explain and discuss what antenna gain is and why it is described as the key performance of a radar antenna View
2029 Explain what the main representations of radar antenna pattern are View
2030 Calculate the size of the syntheric aperture of a radar system taking into account the platform and sensor specifications View
2031 Check incidance angle of a SAR system in data metadata View
2032 Calculate the radar antenna footprint taking into account the orbit of the radar system and bandwidth View
2033 Check and discuss an local incidence angle of a SAR system in data metadata View
2034 Explain the principle of the radargrammetric equation View
2035 Select and apply the radargrammetric equation View
2036 Explain and apply radargrammteric image processing View
2037 Explain the principles of the SAR tomography View
2038 Apply SAR tomography View
2039 Explain the geophysical method using ground penetrating radar View
2040 Explain how the radar speckle is formed View
2041 Explain principles of the real aperture radar View
2042 Explain principles of the coherent and active systems View
2043 Discuss radar antennas View
2044 Plan the calibration of the radar antenna View
2045 Explain plant permitivity and its effect on radar data acquisition View
2046 Explain dielectric properties of objects and their effect on radar data acquisition View
2047 Calculate radar beta nought View
2048 Calculate radar gamma nought View
2049 Calculate radar sigma nought View
2050 Explain what the radar equation is View
2051 Explain what the radar cross-section is View
2052 Discuss the radiometric anomalies of radar data View
2053 Discuss electromagnetic interactions and scattering mechanisms View
2054 Explain what it is and causes diffraction View
2055 Explain what the wave-particle dualism is View
2056 Explain why the Doppler effect is important in radar remote sensing View
2057 Explain what coherent means in radar remote sensing View
2058 Explain how fourier transformation is used to generate radar image View
2059 Explain why a radar signal needs a complex waveform description View
2060 Explain what can be measured with a seismic sensor or seismic sensors View
2061 Explain what can be measured with a sonic sensor View
2062 Explain what can bea measeard with a sonar sensor View
2063 Explain what the interferometric wide swath mode is View
2064 Apply SAR data acquired in interferometric wide swath mode View
2065 Discuss the main applications using the extra wide swath mode View
2066 Select an optical spectrometer suitable for your application taking into account the acquired wavelength View
2067 Discuss how line detectors array sensors work View
2068 Explain the principle of across track scanning View
2069 Discuss the use of area array sensors in remote sensing View
2070 Discuss the use of digital frame cameras in remote sensing View
2071 Discuss what the main characteristics of radiometers are View
2072 Discuss the differences between imaging and non-imaging sensors View
2073 Discuss the main properties of thermal radiometers View
2074 Discuss the main properties of passive microwave radiometers View
2075 Discuss the main properties of hyperspectral radiometers View
2076 Discuss the use of data obtained by spectroradiometer View
2077 Discuss what types of electromagnetic waves the laser profiler uses View
2078 Discuss the applications for which Wind Doppler LiDAR is used View
2079 Discuss the applications for which Differential Absorption LiDAR can be used View
2080 Discuss what information is acquired by the laser altimeters View
2081 Explain the principles of operation of a ranging camera View
2082 Discuss an example of using a radar altimeter View
2083 Explain what the radar scatterometer measures View
2084 Explain the principles of operation of the structured-light-projection camera View
2085 Explain the principles of operation of the speckle-pattern based sensor View
2086 Explain the principles of operation of the multi-temporal pattern based sensor View
2087 Explain the principles of operation of the multi-spectral pattern based sensor View
2088 Select the type of remote sensing platform for your specific application View
2089 Discuss the history of the development of remote sensing platforms View
2090 Discuss the ways of using data acquired by UAS in remote sensing View
2091 Apply data acquired by UAS View
2092 Discuss examples of the objectives of Earth observation missions View
2093 Compare and discuss different SAR acquisition modes View
2094 Explain what swath represents View
2095 Discuss examples of ground-based platforms and their use View
2096 Explain the principles of terrestrial laser scanning operation and discuss its applications View
2097 Plan in-situ measurements using a field spectroradiometer View
2098 Discuss the purposes of obtaining remote sensing data View
2099 Discuss how remote sensing data is organized and stored View
2100 Identify the different barriers for the integration of datasets View
2101 select the development elements best suited for your application View
2102 compare different development components and their advantages and disadvantages View
2103 identify the web services needed for a particular use case View
2104 perform the connection to existing web services to use the resources exposed by the service View
2105 select the web services best fit to expose your own resources View
2106 understand how different web services complement each other View
2120 Identify the main organizational challenges in implementing and use GIS&T View
2121 Identify the key organizational components of a GIS&T implementation View
2122 Prepare a strategy on setting up the organizational components of a GIS&T implementation View
2123 Prepare a GIS Management Strategy View
2124 Evaluate and revise an existing GIS management strategy View
2125 Explain the different components of a GIS management strategy View
2126 Understand and explain the main legal issues related to the production, use and sharing of geospatial data and information View
2127 Recognize the relevant legal issues in a particular case of geospatial data collection, use and/of sharing View
2128 Suggest and prepare solutions for addressing particular legal issues related to the production, use and sharing of geospatial data View
2129 Explain the relevance and added value of geospatial information in particular use cases View
2130 Explain how geographic information is valuable to different sectors View
2131 Provide examples of the use of geospatial information in different sectors View
2132 Explain the difference between data privacy and data security View
2133 Explain the main challenges in dealing with data privacy and data security issues View
2134 Propose and design solutions for dealing with particular data privacy and data security issues View
2135 State the names of the most important regions of the electromagnetic spectrum View
2136 State the names of the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum most important for Earth's remote sensing View
2137 State the basic physical principles for EO systems design and data analysis View
2138 Illustrate the concepts of solar constant and daily solar insolation View
2139 Discuss in which way annual solar insolation and average cloud coverage parameters affect the choice of a solar power plant location View
2140 Discuss in which way modeled daily solar insolation and cloud coverage forecast could affect solar power plant day-by-day management View
2200 Explain why the legal framework on geospatial data sharing can be considered as diverse and complex View
2201 Explain why the legal framework on geospatial data sharing consists of two main types of legislation from a data perspective View
2202 Give examples of more general types of legislation that are also applicable and relevant to geospatial data sharing View
2203 Provide examples of different types of legal instruments that can be used for supporting geospatial data sharing View
2204 Explain what framework agreements are and how they can be used for sharing geospatial data View
2205 Explain what licenses are and how they can be used for sharing geospatial data View
2206 Explain the difference between standard licenses and open licenses View
2207 Explain the concept of geospatial citizenship View
2208 Design and implement training and education for promoting individuals' maturity and participation in the geospatial society View
2209 Explain why it is important to take into consideration the 'digital divide' when dealing with the use of and access to geographic data and information View
2210 Provide examples of different types of critiques on GI and GIS View
2211 Explain the implications of Critical GIS for GIS education View
2212 Explain the implications of Critical GIS for GIS practice View
2213 Explain the relevant economic aspects related to the access to and use of geographic information View
2214 Explain the relevance and importance of privacy issues in dealing with geospatial data View
2215 Explain what relevant ethical aspects are related to the access to and use of geospatial information View
2216 List and explain the different societal aspects that are important in dealing with geospatial information View
2217 Design solutions to different types of barriers to geospatial data sharing View
2218 Explain the benefits of geospatial data sharing as a data acquisition approach View
2219 Explain the institutional framework of an existing SDI initiative View
2220 Evaluate the institutional framework of an existing SDI initiative View
2221 Explain how next-generation SDIs are different from current SDIs View
2222 Explain the key components of next-generation SDIs View
2223 Explain the importance of SDI policies View
2224 Explain the different types of policies that are relevant to the development and implementation of SDIs View
2225 Design effective teaching and learning methods for GIS&T education View
2226 Evaluate the relevance and applicability of different teaching and learning methods for GIS&T education View
2227 Design GIS&T curricula and courses View
2228 Explain relevant GIS&T workforce aspects and their interrelationships from different perspectives (employee, employer, tutor, ...) View
2229 Explain the particular characteristics of sub-national and local governments as actors in the GIS&T domain View
2230 List and explain relevant organizational and institutional aspects related to GIS&T. View
2231 Design and implement approaches and methods for collecting users feedback on GIS View
2232 Design and implement approaches and methods for assessing the performance of GIS View
2233 Define user roles for an existing or planned GIS View
2234 Explain why the definition of user roles is an important element in the implementation of a GIS View
2235 Design and implement an effective GIS coordination strategy View
2236 Use the most effective change model depending on the nature and needs of the client's organization. View
2237 List and describe the main categories of organizations in the GIS&T domain View
2238 List and describe the most important producers and users of geospatial data at the European Commission View
2239 Explain the particular characteristics of national government organizations in the GIS&T ecosystem View
2240 Explain what data mashups are View
2241 Create a new application by combining existing data from different sources View
2242 Explain the different stages in the development of applications through web services composition View
2244 Explain the main steps in the process of aligning data structures and ontologies View
2245 Apply different tools for aligning ontologies View
2246 Explain the differences between syntatic and semantic discovery of resources View
2247 Implement and configure a catalogue service View
2248 Explain the main differences between different types of resource publishing View
2249 Explain the differences between traditional GIS and Web-GIS View
2250 Develop Web-GIS solutions to replace each of the functions of a traditional GIS View
2251 Explain what the Resource Description Framework (RDF) is and what it can be used for View
2252 Explain the principles of 3D modelling View
2253 Apply different 3D model mapping and modelling approaches View
2254 Explain what CityGML is View
2255 Explain how CityGML is related to GML View
2256 Explain and apply GML data models View
2257 Explain the differences between geospatial data and other types of data View
2258 Determine the most appropriate data collection method for collecting particular data View
2259 Prepare and implement an effective geospatial data transaction management approach View
2260 Explain why metadata are important for assessing and ensuring the quality of geospatial data View
2261 List and explain the key requirements for geolocating data to earth View
2262 Model geospatial data View
2263 Model complex aspects of geographic information, such as temporal change, uncertainty and three-dimensional phenomena View
2264 Explain basic aspects of data modelling, storage and exploitation, such as relation models & databases, data structures, SQL, UML and other basics View
2265 Determine the standards that are essential for geospatial data modelling View
2266 Explain what tessellation data models are View
2267 Understand vector data models View
2268 Deal with time aspects in modelling data View
2269 Deal with uncertainty aspects in modelling data View
2270 Deal with uncertainty aspects in modelling data View
2271 Explain the differences between OGC and ISO standards View
2272 Use standards such as ISO 19141 Schema for moving features, ISO 19142 Web Feature Service and ISO 19109 - Rules for application schema View
2273 Transfer a conceptual model to a logical (database) model View
2274 Model temporal aspects View
2275 Explain which standards are essential for conceptual data modelling View
2276 Explain and apply standards relevant for geometric modelling View
2277 Explain the concept of continuous fields and the commonly used ways of representing geo-fields View
2278 Explain what linear referencing is and how it is used View
2279 Develop solutions to different kind of challenges of model interoperability View
2280 Give and explain an example of an application models View
2281 Define and describe an application schema View
2282 Apply techniques for the definition of features / feature classes View
2283 Explain what databases are View
2284 Explain the key elements of the relational - database - model View
2285 Design relational databases View
2286 Provide examples of typical non-spatial and spatial queries View
2287 Work with different data compression techniques View
2288 Access and interpret SQL databases View
2289 Explain and use UML diagrams View
2290 Understand and use XML View
2291 Explain the relations between GIS and databases View
2292 Explain which elements determine the quality of geospatial data View
2293 Explain how metadata, standards and data infrastructures are linked to each other View
2294 Explain what map projections are View
2295 Explain why the shape of the Earth is complex and complicated to measure View
2296 Explain what horizontal and vertical datums precisely determine View
2297 Explain why aerial imaging and photogrammetry are important for the geospatial domain and the geospatial industry View
2298 Explain which types of geospatial data are collected through satellite remote sensing View
2299 Explain the differences between satelitte remote sensing and shipboard remote sensing View
2300 Explain the approach how image analysis follows the physical model of solar radiation interacting with the Earths surface and the atmosphere View
2301 Explain how computer vision imitates the human visual system when interpreting EO images View
2302 Identify different options where Artificial Intelligence can be integrated in the image processing and analysis workflow View
2303 Understand how the entropy represents the the average level of information contained in an image pixel View
2304 Discuss algorithms that use the detection of keypoints to identify objects in images View
2305 Apply the convolutional neural network method for classifying an EO image View
2306 Compare different deep learning approaches in EO image classification View
2307 Discuss the main drawback of edge-based segmentation in partitioning an image View
2308 Explain how the histogram-based segmentation works View
2309 Explain how the consideration of local variance can enhance image segmentation results View
2310 Explain how local density gradients are employed in mean-shift segmentation View
2311 Discuss the principles of regionalisation and their use in segmentation methods View
2312 Discuss spatial autocorrelation and homogeneity of image objects View
2313 Discuss how the choice of sampling strategy impacts the classification result View
2314 Discuss how the choice of sampling strategy impacts the accuracy assesment for a classification result View
2315 Interpret the effect of a convolution from a given mask and contained weights View
2316 Identify and discuss an example of a combined filtering process View
2317 Explain the shape and weights for a horizontal edge detector View
2318 Discuss the frequencies that a high-pass filter preserves and subdues View
2319 Create a convolution filter that integrates the standard deviation of the entire scene in its weights View
2320 Discuss how the size of the neighborhood impacts the smoothing effect of a low-pass filter View
2321 Discuss the benefits of using a gauss filter instead of a mean filter for smoothing an image View
2322 Discuss how hierarchical representation is exploited for object-based image analysis View
2323 Explain how class modelling can make use of per-parcel analysis View
2324 Apply distance to objects of a specific class as a feature for enhancing class assignment View
2325 Explain how the geometry of an object relates to its membership to a specific class View
2326 Explain the advantage of polyhedralization when adding new classes to an existing image classification system View
2327 Create a scale space for an image by applying multiple iterations of low-pass filtering View
2328 Explain how SIFT algorithms can be used for enhancing orthorectification View
2329 Discuss cloud masks as early steps towards semantic enrichment for EO images View
2330 Discuss why a query through time is easier realized with a data cube than by comparison of a time series stored in image files View
2331 Analyse the uncertainty that is present in an EO product View
2332 Explain how error propagates in the production workflow of an example EO product View
2333 Choose a set of quality indicators for an EO product that are relevant for a specific application View
2334 Select images for time series analysis where the cumulated cloud cover percentage in the study area is low enough for the analysis View
2335 Explain the different phases of the remote sensing life cycle View
2336 Explain the different limitations of human vision and computer vision that make scene-from-image reconstruction and understanding an ill-posed process View
2337 Explain how a lack of knowledge about data quality limits the data value View
2338 Discuss the available data quality standards for EO View
2339 Determine all necessary steps to make EO-derived products of a resarch project accessible View
2340 Create a protocol for quality assessment of an EO information product that conforms to EO4GEO guidelines View
2341 Evaluate the conformity of an EO imagery product to ISO 19129 View
2342 Evaluate an EO product and its metadata on its reusability for a new application context View
2343 Discuss different methods for assessing the quality of a specific EO product View
2344 Explain the benefits of structuring images in a data cube View
2345 Identify steps of processing on large image collections that benefit from storing them in array databases View
2346 Create a data cube using the data model of the Open data cube initiative View
2347 Use an image archive to retrive Earth observation data for an application View
2348 Build semantic queries to retrieve selections of images from an EO image database View
2349 Use a web portal to retrieve EO data View
2350 Explain how online processing can enhance the functionality of a web viewer for EO data View
2351 Create a web interface and related system architecture that enables image processing by using OGC interfaces View
2352 Explain how the acquisition, storing, and processing of EO images and derived products is distributed over a chain of stakeholders View
2353 Understand the challenge in matching sensory image data to a mental model of the world-scene View
2354 Explain the components of a production system for automatic image classification View
2355 Identify different methods that employ conditional probability for image classification View
2356 Apply spatial aggregation for generalizing an image classification View
2357 Apply gridding to derive images with coarser resolution View
2358 Use filtering techniques to spatially aggregate an image classification View
2359 Explain the difference between precision and bias View
2360 Interpret ocean colour for deriving chlorophyll concentration in water View
2361 Identify spectral bands necessary for interpreting ocean colour View
2362 Identify adequate preprocessing for deriving ocean colour from EO data View
2400 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storing remote sensing data View
2401 Discuss and compare different temporal resolutions of remote sending data View
2402 Discuss what the header file describes View
2403 Discuss how the radiometrically corrected data are processed View
2404 Explain how the geometrically corrected data are processed View
2405 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different SAR data formats View
2406 Explain the purpose of the analysis ready data View
2407 Discuss the use of atmospheric passive sounders View
2408 Explain the principles of spaceborne laser scanning operation and discuss its applications View
2409 Explain the principles of airborne laser scanning operation and discuss its applications View
2410 Explain the principles of mobile laser scanning operation View
2411 Explain the principles of underwater laser scanning operation and discuss its applications View
2412 Explain the principles of bathymetric laser scanning operation and discuss its applications View
2500 Explain in which cases land surveying and field data collection are effective data collection methods View
2501 Describe the scattering and atmospheric absorption factors View
2502 Understand the main factors generating geometric distortions of the remotely sensed images View
2503 Describe the data quality dimensions of the main remote sensing lifecycle phases View
2504 List the main international organization responsible for the standardization of the image data and gridded data quality View
2505 Describe the role of infrastructures for sharing remote sensing data products View
2506 Explain the importance of FAIR data principles for accessing remote sensing data and derived products View
2507 Explain the different types of water quality variables that EO provides for ocean monitoring View
2508 Understand how EO data can be used to monitor the marine ecosystem View
2509 Explain the ocean physical and biological variables used for EO-based marine ecosystem monitoring View
2510 Compare the main satellite sensors used in marine ecosystem monitoring View
2511 Assess ocean physical and biophysical parameters to evaluate ocean productivity and identify upwelling areas View
2512 Analyse the emergence of regions with algal blooms in an ocean colour time series data View
2513 Analyse ocean currents View
2514 Estimate evaporation rates View
2515 Find oil spills in EO data for Ocean surveillance View
2516 Analyse wave height variability View
2517 Assess climate change effects in time series data View
2518 Produce EO derived marine ecosystem information to support fisheries management View
2519 Estimate chlorophyll-a concentration for monitoring algal blooms View
9999 test View