MSAVI (Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) was proposed by Qi et al. (1994) which is a modified version of SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index).
MSAVI is represented by the formula:
MSAVI = (NIR-RED)(1+L)/(NIR+RED+L) where L is a function represented by :
L= 1− 2sNDVI(NIR − sRED) where s is the slope of the soil line from a plot of red versus near infrared brightness values.
Qi et al. (1994) have shown that the adjustment factor L is not a constant but moreover a function which varies inversely with the amount of vegetation present.The sem
The semantic model explicitly describes the above dependencies of the formula which are NIR and RED wavelengths. The function L is further dependent on s as well as the wavelengths. In the model, s is an user input value and the required wavelength range is specified as: RED (0.6-0.7 μm), NIR(0.75-1.35 μm).
The model also describes the tasks related to an MSAVI with its theme as displayed here.