To monitor crops and agriculture with EO-based methods is relevant for various applications, including to assess environmental impact of farming, assess crop damage due to storms, to detect ollegal or undesired crops, to monitor water use on crops and horticulture, and to monitor land degradation neutrality. EO mapping of crops happens on all scales with both optical and SAR sensors. Relevant EO products include degradation, agri-environment, ecosystem, damage estimation, warning-service, food-security, impact, crop health (disease and stress), leaf area index, crop acreage and yield harvest (inventories / statistics), crop types (extent, growth, health, stress), land surface temperature, illicit crops, estimates, cultivation patterns, soil water index, surface soil moisture, run-off, land cover (land cover change), land productivity (net primary productivity, NPP), carbon stocks (soil organic carbon, SOC).
Analyse the suitability of the land area
Choose a viable strategy for farming operations
Understand the health of the crop, extent of infestation or stress damage, or potential yield and soil conditions