[GC4-1] Open Geocomputation

The use of the term Open geocomputation doesn't intend to coin a new term; Open GIScience and Open GIS are well explored and discussed terms in the literature. Both embrace the idea of open data, open source, collaboration among peers, and the integration of these practices into GIS research projects, tools, services and applications. Open geocomputation brings the ideas of Open GIScience (and hence Open Science in general) into geocomputation, focussing on openness as a fundamental tenet to conduct research in geocomputation and for the development of new computational methods and tools. In fact, many community-led developments and tools have recently appeared in the field of geocomputation, notably based on R and Python. The widespread popularity and adoption of these computing environments for geocomputing and geospatial analysis is simply because they encompass open, transparent, and reproducible tool development.

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