[GS1-3] Privacy and Security

Data privacy and security are two essential components of a successful strategy for data protection. Data security refers to the protection of data from unauthorized access, use, change, disclosure, and destruction. It encompasses network security, physical security, and file security. Data privacy involves protecting consumer data by eliminating or reducing the possibility of re-identifying an individual whose information is present in the data. This is done by either removing specific information or by transforming the data with random “noise” or generalization.


GV:: relevant but to be revised

GV: data privacy and data security (and data protection)

Estefania: there is a concept under Cartography and Visualization - Usability of maps called: Map ethics: legal and privacy issues. Description: Ethics is about the question if behaviour is right or wrong in a social context. In dealing with geodata , a person can do the wrong thing with respect to laws (e.g. disclose secrets, disregard privacy, copyright infringement) or to professional standards (e.g. use bad data, forget about the colour blind, downplay unpleasant details). Aspects: breach of legal standards; breach of professional standards 
I guess it has sense to merge it with this concept. using parts of its description, and I'd link it afterwards as child of "Usability of maps"

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In progress (GI-N2K)

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