[GD1-4] Map projections

Map projections are systematic transformations of geographic coordinates of the surface of ellipsoid into locations in plane. Plane coordinates are based on map projection. As the transformation of a spherical grid into a plane grid causes inevitably distortions of the geometry, and, different projections cause different distortions, knowledgeable choice of appropriate projection for any particular use is crucial. A. Map projection poperties. Geometric properties that may be preserved or lost in projected grid, usefulness of compromise projection, Tissot indicatrix as an indicator of projection errors, visual appearance of the Earth`s graticule, distortion patterns for projection classes, distortions in raster data. B. Map projection classes. Three main classes of map projection based on developable surface, projection types by geometric properties preserved, mathematical basis of projecting longitude and latitude into x and y coordinates. UTM, ETM, projections used by EC. C. Map projection parameters. Standard line, projection case, latitutde and longitude of origin, aspects of projection. D. Georegistration. Rectification vs orthorectification, ground controle points in georegistration of aerial imagery.

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