[AM4-1] Reclassification and selection operations

The reclassifications tools are used to change or reclassify the values. Reclassification of vector data involves the attributes of features in the feature attribute table, on the other hand reclassification of raster data involves the grid cell values to produce a new raster data layer. Reclassification can be used for data simplification and measurement scale change. We can adjust the data for more appropriate analysis by grouping the values and changing them. The reclassification tool can also be used to remove specific values from analysis. The Select by location tool lets you select features by how they relate to other features in another layer. Selected features are based on their location. You can select features that are near or overlap the features. Most frequently used methods are intersect, within a distance, within, completely within, contain… Features can be selected in the same or other layers. The Select by attributes tool lets you select features that match the selection criteria. With providing a selection criteria, matching features are selected. We can provide a complex selection criteria.

External resources

  • Bernhardsen T. 2001. Geographic Information Systems.
  • Ionut, S., Bogdan, M. Geographic information system (GIS) application for windthrow mapping and management in Iezer Mountains, Southern Carpathians. Journal of Forestry Research 23, 175–184 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-011-0213-5



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