Users in defence and security work in the field of military, emergency and social protection and define, collect, analyse information to provide intelligence & safety. Some examples are activities under humanitarian response such as border control organisations, police and rescue forces, coast guards, civil protection, military services, and intelligence services which can use EO services to detect and monitor high risk areas produced naturally or by humans, monitor border incursions or maritime movements.
Users in defense, security and military are border control organisations, police and rescue forces, military services, and intelligence services. Use of EO/GI data can be made in the field of detecting and monitoring high risk areas (natural and humanitarian), monitoring border incursions, or monitoring maritime movements.
There is a rising geostrategic competition and power pilitics challenging rule-based multilateralism. Further, there are armed confilct, civil wars and instability in the EU's broader neighbourhood.
Further, natural disasters pose a threat to society, where the Sendai Framework of disaster risk reduction focuses on.
Monitor security and safety describes the collection and analysis of information to provide intelligence services & safety. The task is to give early warnings in case of emergencies, to monitor infrasturcture, transport routes (land and water) and borders, to surveil security and sovereignty.
The EO/GI users in humanitarian operations correspond to humanitarian aid organisations, humanitarian support organisations and overall humanitarian response such as border control organisations, police and rescue forces, coast guards, civil protection, military services, and intelligence services. They can use EO services to detect and monitor high risk areas produced naturally or by humans, monitor border incursions or maritime movements. They provide support to local populations that have experienced a crisis, e.g. they fled from a conflict or are affected by a natural disaster. The organisations therefore support the population's needs for sustenance. Consequently, any related risks are relevant as well. The users benefit from the EO capability to identify and monitor people in need, i.e. to assess pressures on populations and migration, and to monitor humanitarian movement and camps. They additionally benefit from EO through mapping disaster areas for situation awareness and detecting sensitive risk areas. Some examples of users at European level are DG RELEX, DG ECHO, DG ENV/ MIC. At UN, the users include OCHA, UNHCR, UNDPKO, UNDP, UNOPS, UNITAR, UNICEF, UNESCO, WFP. Further, international users include IFRC, WHO, WB, and donor organizations. At the national level, the users include Civil Protection Agencies, Ministries of Internal Affairs / Civil Protection Department, Development and Aid agencies.
Monitoring borders includes monitoring the land and marine border incursions, monitoring transport routes, assessing pressures on poplulations, and monitoring humanitarian movement.