Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is a special kind of user-generated content. It refers to geographic information collected and shared voluntarily by the general public. Web.2.0 and associated advances in web mapping technologies have greatly enhanced the abilities to collect, share and interact with geographic information online, leading to VGI.
MO: the relation with crowdsourced data collection is not "similar to". I would say cdc is subconcept of VGI. And a citizen science concept to be added with also cdc as subconcept
GV: remove citizens in the concept name.
Define and discuss volunteered geographic information
Define and discuss enabling technologies: geotag, georeferencing, GPS and more
Discuss positive and negative aspects of the term "humans as sensors"
Apply domains and roles regarding geoinformation use in society: "spatial information systems manager", "spatial analyst", "spatial citizen"
Define and discussing impact of Crowdsourcing on Geospatial Society
In progress (GI-N2K)