Generally systems are everywhere and we just need to learn to identifying them. This will immensely help us to understand the world around us and better know what to expect in the future. Hence this learning path introduces to us the System Earth and Dynamics.
Systems which are the construct of our brains is the first subject of discussion in this learning path.
Identifying and listing all elements does not actually describe a system in full but the interaction between elements resulting specific relationships is essential to describe a system. Hence this learning path introducing the idea of interaction.
In every system, there is a feedback as interaction between elements occurs which may form a loop. This learning path, therefore, seeks to look at the concept of System feedback. Such feedback may be divided into: *Positive feedback or *Negative feedback.
This learning path will introduce you to systems model, as we perceive things in different ways, and that may influence varied models from us for different purposes. For example, we have models like conceptual models, abstract models, mathematical models etc.
In order to solve real-world problems, we need modelling based on clearly-stated purposes. Hence this learning path herewith introduces us to modelling as a process.
We conclude under this learning path with the concept of System dimensions, which is into three(3) parts, namely: *spatial dimension; *temporal dimension; and *structural dimension.