2.03 Visual Image Interpretation

It is important to note as earlier explained on the methods used to visualize remote sensing data under the topic of Visualization and Radiometric Operation, this section will primarily focus on interpretation of images displayed on either a computer monitor or printed format in order to convey the right outcomes to graphic users. 

This learning path will start with the concept of Visual Image Interpretation, which is regarded is the most intuitive way of extracting information from remote sensing images based on our ability to relate colour and patterns in images to real world features. Thi will be followed by other elements chronologically in image analysis.  


What are the key steps/processes for doing proper image analysis?


1. Visual image interpretation

When analyzing an image, there are two processes involved and thus namely: *Spontaneous Recognition; and *Logical Inference. In this path, we will start with Spontaneous Recognition which refers to the ability of an interpreter to identify objects or features at a first glance.

2. Spontaneous recognition

The other process when analyzing an image is the Logical Inference,where the interpreter applies reasoning and in the reasoning the interpreter uses acquired professional knowledge and experience.

3. Logical inference

To express the characteristics of an image which we need a certain set of terms in doing that, hence this learning path introduces you to Interpretation elements. Basically there are seven (7) interpretation elements and these include: *Tone/Hue; *Texture; *Pattern; *Shape; *Size; *Height/Elevation; and *Location/Association.

4. Interpretation elements

This now takes us to Mapping Procedure as a concept which is sometimes referred to Mapping Methodology, which consists of three (3) phases, namely: *Interpretation Phase; *Fieldwork Phase; and *Anaysis and map construction phase/Analyzing field data and map preparation.

5. Mapping procedure

It is useful to note here that in the interpretation phase of mapping procedure, specific key processes are required. One of such processes is the term preliminary interpretation; thus image interpretations made prior to fieldwork as introduced in this learning path.

6. Preliminary interpretation

One of the process in the interpretation under the mapping procedure is the preliminary legend, which preliminary interpretation is based on.

7. Preliminary legend

Last but not least in this learning path is the term Final Interpretation, which has to do with the interpretation of the entire area in terms of what is on the ground, resulting in correlation of the fieldwork data and the preliminary interpretation.