Scales of processes and observations


Scales are more applicable to processes in the spatial and temporal domains than to those in the spectral domain. For a number of important Earth system processes, their corresponding scales are roughly indicated in Figure 1, which has logarithmic X- and Y-axes in order to accommodate the large ranges to be considered in the spatial and temporal domains. In the spatial domain this goes from 1 mm to 40,000 km (the circumference of the Earth), and in the temporal domain from one second to a century.

Figure 1: Temporal and spatial scales of some Earth system processes.

Spatial and temporal scales can not only be attached to processes, but also to observations. An example is given in Table 1, which summarizes the spatial and temporal scales of a few well-known Earth observation systems.

Table 1: Scales of RS observations
Sensor Spatial scale Temporal scale
Meteosat Hemisphere 15 minutes
NOAA-AVHRR 3000 km daily
Landsat TM 180 km 16 days
Spot 60 km 26 days (pointable)


Outgoing relations

  • Scales of processes and observations is related to Resolution

Incoming relations

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