1438 - Describe how the complex part of the refractive index affects the propagation of e.m. radiation through the matter

Describe how the complex part of the refractive index affects the propagation of e.m. radiation through the matter


  • [PP1-2-7] Complex dielectric constants and refractive indices
    Dielectric constants and refractive indices of the matter are generally complex quantities. Considering an electromagnetic wave entering a homogeneous medium of complex refractive index n=m+ik, it is possible to demonstrate that its intensity progressively decays depending on its wavelength λ and on the complex part k of the refractive index of the considered medium. Transparent medium correspond to medium having k=0 (i.e. real refractive index). For instance, considering the amplitude of the electric field E(0) entering the medium, its value after traveling in it for a distance z will be reduced at E(z)=E(0)exp[ -ωkz/c] being ω the wave pulsation and c the light speed constant.