1436 - Illustrate how the Voigt's line profile is related to the Doppler and pressure line broadening contributes

Illustrate how the Voigt's line profile is related to the Doppler and pressure line broadening  contributes


  • [PP1-2-4] Voigt's line profile
    Voigt's line profile refers to the shape of a spectral line resulting from the "pressure" and Doppler broadening. Pressure broadening is much more important in atmosphere as far as pressure increases (heigths lower than 20 km) . Observing Earth's atmosphere in a spectral region sufficiently far from the central (unperturbed/monochromatic) absorption spectral line (off-line bands), Doppler broadening can be neglected in comparison with the pressure one. More and more off-line are the chosen spectral bands, more and more lower in atmosphere will be the atmospheric layers mostly contributing to the measured spectral radiances. Such a relation is at the base of the inversion methods for atmospheric vertical sounding based on multi-spectral satellite observations.