Geographic Coordinates

Geographic coordinates are a system of numerical values used to specify locations on the Earth's surface based on a latitude and longitude grid system. This coordinate system allows precise positioning of any point on Earth.



Key Components of Geographic Coordinates:

  1. Latitude (Parallels):

    • Measures north-south position relative to the Equator (0° latitude).
    • Ranges from 90° North (North Pole) to 90° South (South Pole).
    • Example: New York City is at approximately 40.7°N latitude.
  2. Longitude (Meridians):

    • Measures east-west position relative to the Prime Meridian (0° longitude, passing through Greenwich, England).
    • Ranges from 180° East to 180° West.
    • Example: Tokyo is at approximately 139.7°E longitude.
  3. Coordinate Pair Format:

    • Written as (Latitude, Longitude).
    • Example: (37.7749° N, 122.4194° W) for San Francisco, USA.


Types of Geographic Coordinate Formats:

  1. Decimal Degrees (DD):
    • Example: 48.8584° N, 2.2945° E (Eiffel Tower).
  2. Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS):
    • Example: 48°51'30.2"N, 2°17'40.1"E.
  3. Degrees & Decimal Minutes (DMM):
    • Example: 48°51.503'N, 2°17.668'E.

Outgoing relations