Colour Hue

Color hue in cartography refers to the dominant wavelength of a color, which determines its basic color type (e.g., red, blue, green, yellow). Hue is one of the three main properties of color, alongside saturation (intensity) and brightness (lightness).



Key Characteristics of Hue in Maps:

  • Represents Different Categories – Used to differentiate qualitative (categorical) data, such as land use types.
  • Distinct & Easily Recognizable – Each hue is visually unique, aiding in map readability.
  • Does Not Indicate Value or Intensity – Unlike saturation and lightness, hue only defines the color


Common Uses of Hue in Cartography:

  1. Political Maps: Different countries or regions are assigned distinct hues (e.g., red, blue, green).
  2. Land Use Maps: Urban areas in gray, forests in green, and water bodies in blue.
  3. Thematic Maps: Used to categorize distinct groups, such as soil types or climate zones.


Examples of Hue in a Map Context:

Hue (Color Type) Common Use in Maps
Blue Water bodies, cool temperatures
Green Vegetation, forests, parks
Yellow Dry areas, sandy regions, grasslands
Red Heat, danger zones, population density
Purple Unique or mixed-use areas, special zones

Outgoing relations

  • Colour Hue is subconcept of Colour