
An atlas is a collection of maps, typically bound together in a book or published as a digital resource. It can contain various types of maps, including geographical, political, historical, climatic, or thematic maps. Atlases provide detailed information about different regions, countries, or even the entire world.



There are different types of atlases, such as:

  • Geographical Atlas – Shows physical and political maps of different regions.
  • Historical Atlas – Displays maps related to historical events and time periods.
  • Thematic Atlas – Focuses on specific themes like population, climate, economy, or natural resources.
  • Astronomical Atlas – Contains maps of stars, planets, and celestial objects.


Here are some examples of different types of atlases:

1. General Atlases

  • The Times Atlas of the World – A comprehensive world atlas with political, physical, and thematic maps.
  • National Geographic Atlas of the World – A well-known atlas featuring high-quality maps and geographic data.

2. Thematic Atlases

  • The Atlas of Climate Change – Shows global climate patterns, impacts, and trends.
  • The Historical Atlas of the World – Covers historical events, ancient civilizations, and changing borders over time.
  • The Atlas of Human Anatomy (by Frank Netter) – A medical atlas illustrating the human body.

3. Regional and Specialized Atlases

  • The Oxford Atlas of the World – A mix of political and physical maps with a focus on global geography.
  • Atlas of the United States – A detailed atlas focusing on American geography, states, and infrastructure.
  • The Maritime Atlas – Focuses on ocean routes, marine navigation, and sea depths.

4. Digital and Interactive Atlases

  • Google Earth & Google Maps – Digital atlases with satellite imagery and street views.
  • ArcGIS Online Atlas – A GIS-based interactive atlas for spatial analysis.
  • World Atlas by National Geographic (Online) – A web-based atlas with maps, facts, and geographical data.

Outgoing relations

  • Atlas is subconcept of Map