The users in fishing are active in Fish stock management, Fishing fleets, Fishery distribution logistics, Aquaculture / fish farms, Coastal management agencies. In addition, the users include Fisheries authorities / policy makers. The marine environment in particular is relevant to fishing. Fishing fleets move to the fishing grounds to catch fish. Finding them is challenging. However, fish shoals can be directly visible from above. Navigating to the fishing grounds can be risky: Coastline and shallows may pose a risk to ships. Additionally, skippers may have to deal with challenging weather conditions at sea. Environmental threats to the fishing grounds are oil slicks and other types of pollution. A problem from an economical perspective and for adhering to catch quota is illegal fishing. Noumerous opportunities exist to support fishing with EO information.
Apply the output of EO/GI tools to decisions in everyday operations
Choose a viable strategy for fishing operations
Understand the health of the fishing grounds
Design a map of chlorophyll-a concentration according to the requirements of HAB management for aquaculture