EO/GI users in construction include construction companies, civil engineering consultancies, architect and design companies, planning authorities, and national land agencies.
They benefit from EO through monitor building development, assess environmental impact of human activities, map and assess flooding, detect land movement, subsidence, heave, and monitor land-use statistics
Users of EO/GI in communications and connectivity are mostly mobile telecommunications providers and fixed telecommunication providers. Theire business is to connect people via telephone and internet. The assets for their services include the infrastructure of communication networks physically installed in the ground, the cellphone towers distributed over the land surface, particularly in higly populated areas, as well as other installations (e.g. company buildings) and equipment (communication satellites).
Specific spatial questions of these users are concerned with the reception quality that the network can provide in an area. The network coverage would neet to react to changes of the built environment. New settlement infrastructure may cause a new population distribution and subsequently the need to network adaptations to cover new areas or cover some areas with higher band widths because more people are living there. Additionaly, the coverage of cellphone antennas depends on the arrangement of environmental obstacles that degrade or block the radio signal. Any place where the built environment or the vegetation changes can change the reception quality within the covered area of an existing cellphone tower.
The benefit of EO information for the user group of communications and connectivity comes from monitoring building development, assessing changes to urban and rural areas, and mapping line of sight visibility (terrain height, land cover).
EO/GI users in insurance and real estate include primary insurance companies, re-insurance sector, insurance brokers, insurance service suppliers, commercial banks, major projects, and international financial institutions.
Production processes (including primary production like farming), property and real estate are often insured against certain risks, e.g. from natural hazards.
Users benefit from EO information through applications that monitor building development, assess crop damage due to storms (including to forecast and map large waves), assess damage from earthquakes, detect and monitor wildfires, map and assess flooding, detect land movement, subsidence, heave, forecast and assess landslides.
Users in ICT include fixed and mobile telecommunications providers. They can make use of EO/GI data by monitoring building development and changes to urban areas.
Users in urban development and users involved in the development of rural settlements perform tasks on local and regional scale (to the scale of nations). These users benefit from EO information to manage the use of land & its impacts. Users such as urban planners, architects, spatial planning offices, urban policy makers in public/private sectors in smart cities or generic urban local/regional planning belong to this category. EO/GI becomes a key data and information to support Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities in particular to set up at geospatial and temporal basis the evolution of urban environmental and socioeconomical factors for a better distribution and equality of resources, benefits and impacts (environmental urban justice maps)
"Sustainable urban development is a goal of the global society. It summarizes a specific set of problems that cities face all over the world. Cities want to provide a high quality of life to their residents. However, this goal is threatened by urban growth at the cost of urban green infrastructure’s accessibility by citizens etc. Communities that address this: C40 (association of the largest cities of the globe), CitiesIPCC, related SDGs of the UN, etc. Skills: Explain how the monitoring of urban areas contributes to sustainable urban development through its capability to provide regularly updated information about the benefit of urban green infrastructures and their ecosystem services to the quality of life in a city
Monitor critical information about offensive and defensive systems. This deserves a category in its own right since the nature of observations is quite different from many others.