[IP4-2-3-2] Consistency

In remote sensing we can speak about spatial consistency in the Consistency cluster. It represents the quality of image interpretation/understanding: how are the different objects or classes recognized/evaluated integrally. A bridge above a water surface, like river can be detected in pixel-wised manner, but the question is how coherent they are in the output map. This phenomenon has very close to the thematic consistency, where the recognition integrity is represented in this way. The topological consistency is defined mainly for network-type surface objects, like roads or rivers, where the connection of all atomic segments are rated by this measure. Urban mapping focuses on the built environment objects, where e.g. house-parcel inclusions are described by this feature. The temporal consistency is for monitoring again, representing for example the possibility or impossibility of land cover changes in time. Having multiple data sources (even airborne or terrestrial), their integral usage can be qualified by this measure.

External resources

  • Batini et al. (2017). Data quality in remote sensing. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W7, 447-453. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W7-447-2017




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