[PS3-1] History of remote sensing data carriers

The development of remote sensing data carriers has followed the evolution of the photography, remote sensing sensors and computer platforms. The first remote sensed data was stored using the photography films (e.g. aerial photography, satellite Corona program), which was later replaced by reel tapes, cartridge, and then removable and hard discs. In the era of big and fast growth of Earth observation data, and technological advancements in digital infrastructure, the satellite data are stored using cloud platforms providing different service models: Infrastructure as a Service, Platform/Software as a Service (e.g. Copernicus DIAS, Google Earth Engine, open EO). The Cloud offers infrastructure to host, store and process the large amount of data efficiently. For example, the Copernicus Data Information Access Services (DIAS) is a comprehensive cloud-based hosting and processing system for the EO data in particularly for the Sentinels data, the Google’s Earth Engine (GEE) provides access to various satellite and offers processing power with a web-based programming interface, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) has dedicated cloud called ‘Earth on AWS’, the Microsoft’s cloud called Azure facility the use of AI tools to address environmental challenges. Public solutions, as well as private ones, react with a variety of new and innovative tools, which have been recently developed (e.g. DIAS, ODC, EarthServer, EO Browser, GEE).

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