[OI5-1] GI organization at the European Commission

Within the European Commission there are several key GI players. GIS activities in the Commission started since 1981 (e.g. DG REGIO, Eurostat, ) with the CORINE project, the creation of DG ENV and the creation of the European Environment Agency (EEA). Together with the DG Joint Research Centre (JRC), DG ENV and EEA are in charge of the coordination of INSPIRE: DG Environment acts as an overall legislative and policy co-ordinator for INSPIRE, the JRC acts as the overall technical co-ordinator of INSPIRE and EEA is in charge of several tasks related to monitoring and reporting, and data and service sharing under INSPIRE. Also several other EC institutions are actively involved in GI(S) policies and activities (DIGIT, DG GROW, DG AGRI, DG MOVE and many others).

External resources



In progress (GI-N2K)

Outgoing relations