[OI4-6] Next-generation SDIs

For a long time, SDI development has focused on the development and implementation of different components with the aim of facilitating the access to and sharing of spatial data. An key challenge in future SDI development will be the integration of these SDI`s in a wider context. In order to optimally take advantage of the data and services provided by an SDI, integrating these data and services into the processes and workflows of public and private organizations will be crucial. The concept of spatial enablement refers to the challenge of developing SDI`s in such a way that they provide an enabling platform that serves the wider needs of society in a transparent manner. Moreover, the diffusion of SDIs, together with the efforts to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and other developments in industry and civil society should be considered as elements in a the realization of a vision on the next-generation Digital Earth.

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In progress (GI-N2K)

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