[DM1] Foundations for Data Modelling Storage and Exploitation

This unit includes the basics for data modelling, storage and exploitation. Data modelling is one of the most important activities in conjunction with Geographic Information / GIS as it determines how the data can be used and if the requirements from applications are fulfilled. Data modelling can be done in conjunction with the database, e.g. through ER diagrams or according to the ISO 191xx standards by using UML. The costs of data acquisition can be tremendous, therefore the data represents an enormous value. This value has to be conserved through a safe long term data storage. Therefore databases and especially relational and object relational databases are crucial. For a proper storage and query of geographic information databases are extended with specific data types and data structures. As data sets can be very large suitable compression techniques became important especially in the context of accessing and delivering geographical data, e.g. through services. XML based modeling languages for encoding also play and important role in this context

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