1850 - Develop a strategy to improve the performance of an SDI initiative

Develop a strategy to improve the performance of  an SDI initiative


  • [OI4-5b] SDI performance measurement and assessment
    SDI performance assessment is about collecting, analyzing and providing information on the performance of SDI initiatives. Assessment and evaluations of SDIs are a useful tool for those organizations and people directly involved in these initiatives, but also for researchers, citizens, journalists and other stakeholders. Decision makers and practitioners can use assessments to monitor the progress against the objectives of their SDI initiatives and to identify areas where improvement can be achieved. Assessment also allows to compare and benchmark the performance of different organizations or countries, and to learn from best practices. Finally, assessment also is relevant for accountability, since it enables governments and agencies to be held accountable for their decisions, activities and the resources they have invested. Assessment of SDIs, which deals with the collection and supply of information on the performance of SDI initiatives, should be seen as the first step in a logical consequence of collecting data, integrating this data in policy and management cycles and actually using the information. In the past twenty years, many different SDI assessment frameworks have been developed by researchers and practitioners around the world. Examples of such frameworks are the INSPIRE State of Play Study, the Clearinghouse Suitability Index, the Organisational Maturity Matrix, the SDI Readiness Index, and the INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting approach. Each of these frameworks focus on particular aspects and components of SDIs. In line with the categorization of open data assessment, also SDI assessments can be divided into three main categories: (1) readiness assessments, (2) implementation or data assessments, and (3) impact assessments. Readiness assessments analyse whether conditions are appropriate, and whether necessary components are in place for developing an SDI. Implementation or Data assessments evaluate whether geospatial data are available and accessible. Impact assessments explore the extent to which SDIs lead to benefits for government, citizens, business and society in general.