891 - Discuss the National Research Council report on Learning to Think Spatially (2005) as it relates to spatial thinking skills needed by the GIS and T workforce
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Discuss the National Research Council report on Learning to Think Spatially (2005) as it relates to spatial thinking skills needed by the GIS and T workforce
Programs and courses on GIS and T and related subjects are provided by a wide range of institutions. While in recent years also the use and integration of GI and GIS in primary and secondary education has received significant attention, GIS and T education is mainly organized by institutions of higher education, especially universities but also other higher education institutions. Analyses of the higher education GIS&T programs and courses in Europe showed that the offer of courses is very diverse, in terms of size (ECTS), educational level (EQF) and course content. Vocational training on GIS and T related topics is organized by different types of training providers, including the major GIS vendors, data and service providers, academic sector, professional organisations, but also the public sector.