671 - Demonstrate the use of the TIN model for different statistical surfaces (e.g., terrain elevation, population density, disease incidence) in a GIS software application
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Demonstrate the use of the TIN model for different statistical surfaces (e.g., terrain elevation, population density, disease incidence) in a GIS software application
TINs and Voronoi tessellations are important types of coverages. TINs play a very important role also in Computer graphics. Important here is: - Basics from Graph theory - Definition of Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN), purpose and applications - TINs and voronoi diagrams as a type of coverages - One important instance of a TIN: Delauney Triangulation - Definition of Voronoi Diagrams, purpose and applications - Relation between Delauney Triangulation and Voronoi Diagram, the "Dual Graph" - Examples from applications