[SM:Indices] Estimate frost damage



Frost damage for crops can cause loss in productivity. Therefore, a continious examination is required. The spectral indices can help to detect the frost damage. For this purpose the knowledge about the crop is needed. For example, Flower et al. (2014) took wheat as crop to monitor the frost damange. The wheat destroyed by frost exhibited changes in reflectance in the ranges 500–680 nm and 730–740 nm. While Wu et al. (2012) states that the frost damaged crop reflectance decreases in both total reflectance (400–1000 nm) and in the green and near-infrared regions, as well as an increase in the red and a concomitant shift in the red-edge toward longer wavelengths. 

External resources

  • Diagnosis of freezing stress in wheat seedlings using hyperspectral imaging. Biosyst.
    Wu, Q.; Zhu, D.; Wang, C.; Ma, Z.; Wang, J. Diagnosis of freezing stress in wheat seedlings using hyperspectral imaging. Biosyst. Eng. 2012, 112, 253–260.
  • Frost Damage Assessment in Wheat Using Spectral Mixture Analysis.
    Fitzgerald GJ, Perry EM, Flower KC, Callow JN, Boruff B, Delahunty A, Wallace A, Nuttall J. Frost Damage Assessment in Wheat Using Spectral Mixture Analysis. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(21):2476. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11212476
  • Proof of Concept: Remote Sensing Frosted-Induced Stress in Wheat Paddocks
    Flower, K.; Boruss, B.; Nansen, C.; Jones, H.; Thompson, S.; Lacoste, C.; Murphy, M. Proof of Concept: Remote Sensing Frosted-Induced Stress in Wheat Paddocks; Grains Research and Development Corporation: Canberra, Australia, 2014; p. 36.

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