[GC4] Open Science

A distinguible feature of the current approach to geocomputation is the emphasis on openness: open science, open source, open data. All of this propelled by a vibrant collaborative community with the aim to develop open and reproducible methods, tools and applications applied to a variety of real-life, spatio-temporal application domains. Open Science is a paradigm that can be applied to any scientific discipline and area of ​​knowledge, characterised by openness, access to large volumes of data and unprecedented levels of computing power, availability of community-driven tools, and new types of collaboration between multidisciplinary researchers. Open Science clearly goes beyond geocomputation, but at the same time, its practices and principles characterise recent geocomputation-related projects as well as its community. Therefore, the vision of Open Science taken here is contextualised to the field of geocomputation.

External resources

Learning outcomes

Self assessment


Outgoing relations

Incoming relations
