A web application framework provides the generic and reusable building blocks needed to create web applications. Geoportal frameworks provide the functionality to build geospatial portals.
MO: web applications frameworks too generic for the GI/EO BoK?
MO: do geoportals need a separate concept?
Interpret generally the main components and functionality of "Web Application Frameworks" such as AngularJS, Ext.js, Django, Java Server Faces (JSF), and the like
Interpret generally the functionality offered by "portal frameworks" land Geoportals like Geonetwork, Opengeoportal, Esri geoportal server, Degree portal, Liferay, Jboss portal
Identify differences, advantages and disadvantages of web application framework based and portal framework based web applications from the geospatial data perspective
Indicate generally how "NSDI-requiring-scenarios"would be handled by web application framework based applications
Explain how JSON (GeoJSON)`s "schema-less"structure may be transformed into an application schema
In Progress (GI-N2K)