Different standardized ways to define geospatial data exist. GML, GeoJSON, WKT and GeoSPARQL are examples. What are common points and differences
Concept needs different name
Description must address the why.
Practical skills to be added
Define OGC Simple Features Access Schema. Well-Known Text (WKT) and Well-Known Binary (WKB) representations of Geometry
interpret GML data model and GML definition of geometry. GML application schemas and GML documents
Define spatial extensions that GeoSPARQL brings over SPARQL. Identify the difference between qualitative spatial reasoning and quantitative spatial computations
Define GeoJSON definition of Geospatial objects and describe the structure of a GeoJSON document and identify advantages and disadvantages of representing the same geospatial data in GML and in GeoJSON
Compare different Geospatial object and geometry definitions included under this topic
In progress (GI-N2K)