To be able to discover and assess available data or services, these resources have to be documented. This concept describes the standardized languages used for these descriptions
MO: remove because out of scope, or narrow down to the geospatial application of the concept
Define Resource Description Framework (RDF), its RDF graphs, RDF Schema (RDF-S)and a data set in RDF
Explain Web Ontology Language (OWL) and how to define a data set in OWL DL
Identify virtues of defining a given data set in both RDF and OWL, and compare semantic richness of both definitions
Define Semantic Web and identify the role of the languages included under this topic for Semantic Web
Identify the relation between OWL-S and WSDL and give an overview of Semantic Web service definition in OWL-S
Define the components of a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document
Use Web services description for RESTful web services, Web Application Description Language (WADL) and its use