The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) defines standards and best practices for web services in the geospatial domain. OGC standards are developed using a consensus model allowing all stakeholder to participate in the process. As a result the OGC web services are widely implemented.
The definition is a list of learning outcomes.
Integrate API, OGC new API versions (WFS3 etc)
Do these new ones deserve a separate concept?
Define Web Map Service (WMS). Describe GetCapabilities, GetMap, and GetFeatureInfo operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case
Define Web Feature Service (WFS). Describe GetCapabilities, DescribeFeaturetype, and GetFeature, and GetFeatureInfo operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case
Define Web Coverage Service (WCS). Describe GetCapabilities, GetCoverageInfo, and GetCoverage operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case
Define Web Processing Service (WPS). Describe GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess, and Execute operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case
Define Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). Describe GetCapabilities, GetTile, and GetFeatureInfo operations in detail. Practice its usage in a given use case
Define and practice the usage, in a given use case, of StyledLayerDescriptor (SLD) and Symbology Encoding (SE). Practice their usage in a given use case
In progress (GI-N2K)