The legal framework for geospatial data sharing is very wide and diverse, involving rules on data, coordination, standards, funding, etc. Moreover, these rules and regulations can take many different forms: legal acts adopted by parliament, executive orders or decisions, cooperation agreements, memoranda of understanding, bilateral arrangements etc. From a data perspective, the legal framework can be distinguished into two main types of policies: those that promote and those that hinder the availability of spatial data. Policies that promote spatial data availability can focus on different types of users (public bodies, private companies, citizens) and different types of use (public access, commercial and non-commercial reuse, reuse for performing public tasks). Among the policies that hinder the availability of spatial data are those dealing with privacy, liability, and intellectual property. The legal framework also includes legislation that applies to data or information in general, such as open data legislation, which may also be applicable to spatial data (e.g. legislation on freedom of information, copyright, etc.). Moreover, also general legislation relating to any interaction between people or any situation in everyday life (e.g. liability, contract law, competition law, etc.) will apply to spatial data sharing.
Explain why the legal framework on geospatial data sharing can be considered as diverse and complex
Explain why the legal framework on geospatial data sharing consists of two main types of legislation from a data perspective
Give examples of more general types of legislation that are also applicable and relevant to geospatial data sharing