Data representation


The presentation of spatial data, whether in print or on-screen, on maps or in tabular displays, or as “raw” data, is closely related to the discipline of cartography. The presentation may either be an end-product, for example a printed atlas, or an intermediate product, such as spatial data made available through the Internet. Table below lists several methods and devices used for the presentation of spatial data.


Cartography, information visualization and scientific visualization make use of these methods and devices in their products.

Method   Devices
Hardcopy printer
  plotter (pen plotter, ink-jet printer, thermal
    transfer printer, electrostatic plotter)
  film writer
Soft copy computer screen
Output of digital magnetic tape
data sets CD-ROM or DVD
  the Internet

Incoming relations

  • Visualization is a kind of Data representation
  • GIS is based on Data representation
  • Data is represented by Data representation